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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing H, 2I, L, M and N

BLEMISHINGblemishing v. Present participle of blemish.
BLEMISH v. to mar.
DELPHINIUMdelphinium n. (Countable) A cultivated plant, belonging to the genus Delphinium, with tall blue-colored spikes containing flowers.
delphinium n. (Countable and uncountable) A shade of blue, named for the flowers.
Delphinium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ranunculaceae – a few hundred species of annual, biennial or perennial…
DISHELMINGdishelming v. Present participle of dishelm.
DISHELM v. to deprive of a helmet.
FLEMISHINGflemishing v. Present participle of flemish.
FLEMISH v. to coil a rope in a certain way.
HABILIMENThabiliment n. Clothes, especially clothing appropriate for someone’s job, status, or to an occasion.
habiliment n. Equipment or furnishings characteristic of a place or being; trappings.
HABILIMENT n. clothing, esp. for a particular purpose.
HELMINTHIChelminthic adj. Of or pertaining to worms; used especially of parasitic worms.
helminthic adj. (Medicine) Causing the expulsion of intestinal worms.
helminthic n. (Medicine) Any medicine that expels intestinal worms.
HYPOLIMNIAhypolimnia n. Plural of hypolimnion.
HYPOLIMNION n. a lower and colder layer of water in a lake.
LEISHMANIAleishmania n. A parasite that causes leishmaniasis, a genus trypanosome protozoa, Leishmania.
Leishmania prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Trypanosomatidae – parasitic protozoans, a trypanosome, transmitted…
LEISHMANIA n. any protozoon of the genus Leishmania.
LICHENISMSLICHENISM n. the association of fungus and alga as a lichen.
MIDNIGHTLYmidnightly adj. Taking place at midnight.
MIDNIGHTLY adj. taking place in the middle of the night.
MILLIHENRYmillihenry n. A unit of measure, one thousandth of a henry.
MILLIHENRY n. a thousandth of a henry.
MILLIONTHSmillionths n. Plural of millionth.
MILLIONTH n. a millionth part of.
MINISCHOOLminischool n. A school with a very small student population.
MINISCHOOL n. a small school.
MONOLITHICmonolithic adj. Of or resembling a monolith.
monolithic adj. Consisting of a single chunk of hard material rather than an assembly of discrete parts.
monolithic adj. (Figurative) Having a massive, unchanging structure that does not permit individual variation.
MULTICHAINmultichain adj. (Chemistry) Of or pertaining to more than one chain.
multichain n. A Markov chain consisting of two or more closed sets of recurrent states plus (optionally) a set of…
multichain n. An ordered subset of a poset; a generalization of a chain that allows inequalities that are not strict.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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