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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing H, 2I, 2L and R

ALLOCHIRIAallochiria n. A neurological disorder in which the patient responds to stimuli presented to one side of their body…
ALLOCHIRIA n. attribution of a sensation to the wrong part of the body, also ALLOCHEIRIA.
BILHARZIALbilharzial adj. Relating to bilharzia.
BILHARZIAL adj. relating to bilharzia.
DRILLSHIPSdrillships n. Plural of drillship.
DRILLSHIP n. a free-floating ship-shaped drilling platform.
HILLOCKIERHILLOCKY adj. full of hillocks.
HIRSELLINGHIRSELLING n. the act of putting into different groups.
LIVERISHLYliverishly adv. In a liverish manner.
LIVERISH adv. having a liver disorder.
MILLIHENRYmillihenry n. A unit of measure, one thousandth of a henry.
MILLIHENRY n. a thousandth of a henry.
MILLWRIGHTmillwright n. A person who designed, erected and built mills and milling machinery.
millwright n. A person engaged in the erection of machinery.
MILLWRIGHT n. a person whose occupation is planning and building mills or setting up their machinery.
PERIHELIALperihelial adj. (Rare) Relating to the perihelion.
PERIHELIAL adj. relating to the perihelion.
RELLISHINGrellishing v. Present participle of rellish.
RELLISH v. (Shakespeare) to warble.
RHINOLALIArhinolalia n. (Pathology) a nasal quality of speech from some disease or defect of the nasal passages.
RHINOLALIA n. nasal speech.
SHRILLIESTSHRILLY adj. high-pitched or piercing.
SHRILLINGSshrillings n. Plural of shrilling.
SHRILLING n. a piercing sound.
STILLBIRTHstillbirth n. The birth of a dead fetus; the delivery of an infant which is dead at birth.
stillbirth n. (Medicine) The birth of a dead fetus after 20 weeks of gestation.
still-birth n. Alternative spelling of stillbirth.
THRILLIESTthrilliest adj. Superlative form of thrilly: most thrilly.
THRILLY adj. full of thrills.
TRILLIONTHtrillionth adj. The ordinal form of the number one trillion.
trillionth n. The person or thing in the trillionth position.
trillionth n. One of a trillion equal parts of a whole.
WHIRLINGLYwhirlingly adv. With a whirling motion.
WHIRLING adv. turning rapidly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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