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There are 11 words containing H, 2L, U and V

BEHAVIOURALLYbehaviourally adv. With respect to behaviour.
BEHAVIOURAL adv. relating to behaviour, also BEHAVIORAL.
CHIVALROUSLYchivalrously adv. In a chivalrous manner.
CHIVALROUS adv. gentlemanly, valiant.
HALLUCINATIVEhallucinative adj. Relating to hallucination; hallucinatory.
HALLUCINATIVE adj. tending to produce hallucination, also HALLUCINATORY.
HELLUVAhelluva adj. (Colloquial) (A) hell of a; extreme.
helluva adv. (Colloquial); (expletive) (A) hell of a; extremely or very.
HELLUVA adj. hell of a, also HELLOVA.
MULTIWAVELENGTHmultiwavelength adj. Involving, or composed of, multiple wavelengths.
multi-wavelength adj. Alternative spelling of multiwavelength.
MULTIWAVELENGTH adj. extending over many wavelengths.
SHOVELFULshovelful n. The amount that can be moved at once with a shovel.
SHOVELFUL n. as much as a shovel will hold.
SHOVELFULSshovelfuls n. Plural of shovelful.
SHOVELFUL n. as much as a shovel will hold.
SHOVELSFULshovelsful n. Plural of shovelful.
SHOVELFUL n. as much as a shovel will hold.
UNCHIVALROUSLYunchivalrously adv. In an unchivalrous manner; without chivalry.
UNCHIVALROUS adv. not chivalrous.
VALLHUNDVallhund n. Synonym of Swedish Vallhund.
VALLHUND n. (Swedish) a Swedish breed of dog.
VALLHUNDSVallhunds n. Plural of Vallhund.
VALLHUND n. (Swedish) a Swedish breed of dog.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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