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There are 17 words containing H, K, M, P and Y

HYPERMARKEThypermarket n. A combination of department store and supermarket.
HYPERMARKET n. a very large self-service store, also HYPERMART.
HYPERMARKETShypermarkets n. Plural of hypermarket.
HYPERMARKET n. a very large self-service store, also HYPERMART.
HYPOKALEMIAhypokalemia n. (Biology, medicine) The condition of having an abnormally low concentration of potassium ions in the…
HYPOKALEMIA n. a deficiency of potassium in the blood.
HYPOKALEMIAShypokalemias n. Plural of hypokalemia.
HYPOKALEMIA n. a deficiency of potassium in the blood.
HYPOKALEMIChypokalemic adj. Having a low percentage of potassium in one’s blood.
HYPOKALEMIC adj. relating to hypokalemia, a deficiency of potassium in the blood.
KARYOLYMPHkaryolymph n. The liquid part of the nucleus of a cell.
KARYOLYMPH n. the liquid portion of nuclear protoplasm.
KARYOLYMPHSkaryolymphs n. Plural of karyolymph.
KARYOLYMPH n. the liquid portion of nuclear protoplasm.
KINEMATOGRAPHYkinematography n. Cinematography.
KINEMATOGRAPHY n. the art of the kinematograph.
KYMOGRAPHkymograph n. A device that gives a graphical representation of a variation in a phenomenon such as blood pressure…
KYMOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording fluid pressure.
KYMOGRAPHICkymographic adj. Of or pertaining to a kymograph.
KYMOGRAPHIC adj. relating to a kymograph.
KYMOGRAPHIESkymographies n. Plural of kymography.
KYMOGRAPHY n. using a kymograph, an instrument for recording fluid pressure.
KYMOGRAPHSkymographs n. Plural of kymograph.
KYMOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording fluid pressure.
KYMOGRAPHYkymography n. The use of a kymograph.
KYMOGRAPHY n. using a kymograph, an instrument for recording fluid pressure.
LYMPHOKINElymphokine n. (Biochemistry) Any of a group of cytokines produced by lymphocytes.
LYMPHOKINE n. any of various substances secreted by T cells.
LYMPHOKINESlymphokines n. Plural of lymphokine.
LYMPHOKINE n. any of various substances secreted by T cells.
NYMPHLIKEnymphlike adj. Resembling a nymph.
NYMPHLIKE adj. like a nymph.
POIKILOTHERMYpoikilothermy n. (Biology) The quality of having a body temperature that varies or fluctuates, depending on the temperature…
POIKILOTHERMY n. the state of being cold-blooded, also POIKILOTHERMISM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 213 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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