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There are 18 words containing H, I, S and 2V

SHIVVEDshivved v. Simple past tense and past participle of shiv.
SHIV v. to cut with a kind fo knife, also CHIV, CHIVE.
CHIVVIESchivvies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chivvy.
chivvies n. Plural of chivvy.
CHIVVY v. to chase about, also CHEVY, CHIVY.
SHIVVINGshivving v. Present participle of shiv.
SHIV v. to cut with a kind fo knife, also CHIV, CHIVE.
SPIVVISHspivvish adj. Alternative spelling of spivish.
SPIVVISH adj. like a spiv.
CHAVVIESTchavviest adj. Superlative form of chavvy: most chavvy.
CHAVVY adj. like a chav.
OVERLAVISHoverlavish adj. Excessively lavish; decadent.
OVERLAVISH adj. lavish to excess.
VAIVODESHIPvaivodeship n. Alternative spelling of voivodeship.
VAIVODESHIP n. the office of vaivode.
VOIVODESHIPvoivodeship n. (Countable, uncountable) The office, position, rank, or title of a voivode (“a local ruler or official…
voivodeship n. (Countable, uncountable) The jurisdiction of a voivode, comparable to a countship or a county.
voivodeship n. (Countable) The highest-level administrative subdivision of Poland, comparable to a province or state.
OVERACHIEVESoverachieves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overachieve.
OVERACHIEVE v. to achieve to excess.
OVERLAVISHEDSorry, definition not available.
OVERLAVISHESSorry, definition not available.
SURVIVORSHIPsurvivorship n. The state of being a survivor.
survivorship n. (Biology) The number or percentage of young that survive to adulthood.
survivorship n. (Law) A right whereby a person becomes entitled to property by reason of his having survived another…
VAIVODESHIPSvaivodeships n. Plural of vaivodeship.
VAIVODESHIP n. the office of vaivode.
VOIVODESHIPSvoivodeships n. Plural of voivodeship.
VOIVODESHIP n. the office of voivode.
OVERACHIEVERSoverachievers n. Plural of overachiever.
over-achievers n. Plural of over-achiever.
OVERACHIEVER n. one who achieves success over and above the standard or expected level esp. at an early age.
OVERLAVISHINGSorry, definition not available.
SURVIVORSHIPSsurvivorships n. Plural of survivorship.
SURVIVORSHIP n. the legal right of the survivor of persons having joint interests in property to take the interest of the person who has died.
OVERHARVESTINGoverharvesting v. Present participle of overharvest.
overharvesting n. Excessive harvesting.
OVERHARVEST v. to harvest to excess.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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