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There are 11 words containing 2H, P and 2U

HUSHPUPPYhushpuppy n. (Southern US) A small deep-fried cornmeal cake.
hush␣puppy n. Alternative form of hushpuppy: a small deep-fried cornmeal cake.
hush␣puppy n. (Military slang) A semiautomatic handgun fitted with a suppressor, used by special forces personnel…
THROUGHPUTthroughput n. (Networking) The rate at which data is transferred through a system.
throughput n. (Operations) The rate of production; the rate at which something can be processed.
throughput n. (Optics) Synonym of etendue.
HUSHPUPPIEShushpuppies n. Plural of hushpuppy.
hush␣puppies n. Plural of hush puppy.
HUSHPUPPY n. a snack of deep-fried cornmeal bread.
SUPERCHURCHsuperchurch n. (Informal) A large, well-equipped modern church, often formed by the union of several smaller churches.
SUPERCHURCH n. a very large church.
THROUGHPUTSthroughputs n. Plural of throughput.
THROUGHPUT n. the amount of raw material processed in a given time, also THRUPUT.
HYPOSULPHURIChyposulphuric adj. Alternative spelling of hyposulfuric.
HYPOSULPHURIC adj. denoting a kind of acid.
SUPERCHURCHESsuperchurches n. Plural of superchurch.
SUPERCHURCH n. a very large church.
THIOSULPHURICthiosulphuric adj. (Inorganic chemistry, chiefly Britain) Alternative spelling of thiosulfuric.
THIOSULPHURIC adj. as in thiosulphuric acid, sulphuric acid in which one atom of oxygen is replaced by sulphur.
HYDROSULPHURIChydrosulphuric adj. Alternative spelling of hydrosulfuric.
HYDROSULPHURIC adj. formed by a combination of hydrogen and sulphur.
HYPOSULPHUROUShyposulphurous adj. Alternative form of hyposulfurous.
HYPOSULPHUROUS adj. of or derived from hyposulphurous acid.
HYDROSULPHUROUSHYDROSULPHUROUS adj. as in hydrosulphurous acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 239 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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