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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing H, S and 3T

ANTITHETSantithets n. Plural of antithet.
ANTITHET n. an instance of antithesis.
CHATTIESTchattiest adj. Superlative form of chatty: most chatty.
CHATTY adj. talkative.
CHITTIESTCHITTY adj. of a face, pinched, babylike.
ORTHOTISTorthotist n. A person who makes or fits orthotic devices.
ORTHOTIST n. one skilled in orthotics.
OUTTHRUSToutthrust n. Something that extends outwards, especially such an outcrop of rock.
outthrust v. To extend outwards.
OUTTHRUST v. to extend outwards.
PHOTOSTATphotostat n. (Dated) A photocopy, especially one made by a Photostat machine.
photostat n. (Malaysia, Philippines) A photocopy made using a photocopier.
photostat n. Positive (black on white) or negative (white on black) reproduction of printed matter or artwork made…
POSTTRUTHposttruth n. Alternative form of post-truth.
posttruth adj. Alternative form of post-truth.
post-truth adj. (Chiefly politics, media) Beyond or superseding the importance of truth; pertaining to an era or situation…
SHITTIESTshittiest adj. (Vulgar) superlative form of shitty: most shitty.
SHITTY adj. (vulgar) very unpleasant.
STATOLITHstatolith n. A specialized form of amyloplast involved in graviperception by plant roots and most invertebrates.
STATOLITH n. a small calcareous stone used by invertebrates to maintain equilibrium.
TETCHIESTtetchiest adj. Superlative form of tetchy: most tetchy.
TETCHY adj. peevish, fretful, also TEACHIE, TECHY.
THANATISTthanatist n. One who believes that the human soul eventually dies; a proponent of thanatism.
THANATIST n. one believing that the soul dies with the body.
THRETTIESthretties n. Plural of thretty.
THRETTY n. (dialect) thirty.
THROTTLESthrottles n. Plural of throttle.
throttles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of throttle.
THROTTLE v. to to choke by pressure at the windpipe.
TITCHIESTtitchiest adj. Superlative form of titchy: most titchy.
TITCHY adj. very small, also TICHY, TITCHIE.
TOOTHIESTtoothiest adj. Superlative form of toothy: most toothy.
TOOTHY adj. having prominent teeth.
TOPSTITCHtopstitch n. (Sewing, uncountable) A sewing technique, most often used on garment edges such as necklines and hems…
topstitch n. (Countable) An individual stitch of this kind.
topstitch v. (Transitive) To stitch in this fashion.
TRITHEISTtritheist n. A believer in three gods.
TRITHEIST n. one believing that the members of Trinity are three separate gods.
TRUTHIESTtruthiest adj. Superlative form of truthy: most truthy.
TRUTHY adj. characterized by truth.
WHITTRETSwhittrets n. Plural of whittret.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 82 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 144 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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