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There are 20 nine-letter words containing H, P, T and 2Y

BRYOPHYTEbryophyte n. (Botany) Any plant of the division Bryophyta, defined sensu lato to comprise the mosses, liverworts…
BRYOPHYTE n. a member of the Bryophyta, one of the main groups of the vegetable kingdom, mosses and liverworts.
CHEMITYPYchemitypy n. (Historical) A process for obtaining casts in relief from an engraved zinc plate. A fusible metal is…
CHEMITYPY n. printing by chemitype, any chemical process for obtaining impressions from an engraving.
CRYOPHYTEcryophyte n. (Botany) Any plant whose buds overwinter below ground.
cryophyte n. (Botany) Any plant that grows on ice or snow.
CRYOPHYTE n. an organism esp. an alga or moss that grows on snow or ice.
CYTOPATHYcytopathy n. (Microbiology, pathology) The disease or deterioration of a cell, or of the structures contained within a cell.
CYTOPATHY n. a disease or disorder of a cell.
DYSTROPHYdystrophy n. A wasting of body tissues, of either genetic origin or due to inadequate or defective nutrition.
DYSTROPHY n. impaired or imperfect nutrition; any of several disorders in which there is wasting of muscle tissue, also DYSTROPHIA.
HELIOTYPYheliotypy n. A method of transferring pictures from photographic negatives to hardened gelatin plates from which…
HELIOTYPY n. a photomechanical process in which the gelatine relief is itself used to print from.
HYLOPHYTEHYLOPHYTE n. a woodland plant.
HYPOCOTYLhypocotyl n. (Botany) In plants with seeds, that portion of the embryo or seedling between the root and cotyledons.
HYPOCOTYL n. the stem of a plant below the cotyledons.
HYPONASTYhyponasty n. (Botany) an upward bending of leaves or other plant parts, caused by increased growth on their lower surface.
HYPONASTY n. a tendency in part of a plant to grow more rapidly on the underside, so that it curves upwards.
HYPOSTYLEhypostyle adj. (Architecture) Having a roof supported on a row of columns.
hypostyle n. (Architecture) A building or chamber whose roof is supported on a row of columns.
HYPOSTYLE adj. having a roof supported by columns.
PHONOTYPYphonotypy n. (Historical) A method of phonetic printing of the English language, in which nearly all the ordinary…
PHONOTYPY n. the transcription into phonetic spelling advocated for ordinary use.
PHOTOTYPYphototypy n. The art or process of producing phototypes.
PHOTOTYPY n. the art or process of producing phototypes.
PHYSIATRYphysiatry n. (Medicine) The treatment of disabled people.
PHYSIATRY n. the treatment of injury by physical means.
PHYTOGENYphytogeny n. (Biology) phytogenesis.
PHYTOGENY n. the doctrine of the generation of plants.
PHYTOLOGYphytology n. (Biology) the study of plants; botany.
PHYTOLOGY n. the study of plants.
PHYTOTOMYphytotomy n. (Botany, dated) The study of the internal structures of plants.
PHYTOTOMY n. the dissection of plants; vegetable anatomy.
POLYMATHYpolymathy n. The knowledge of many arts and sciences; variety of learning.
POLYMATHY n. the knowledge of many arts and sciences.
POLYPTYCHpolyptych n. (Art) a work consisting of multiple painted or carved panels joined together, often with hinges.
POLYPTYCH n. a decorated altarpiece or panel with 3 or more hinged sections that can be folded together.
SYMPHYTICSYMPHYTIC adj. relating to symphysis, the union or growing together of bones.
ZYGOPHYTEzygophyte n. (Botany, obsolete) Any plant of a formerly proposed class or grand division (Zygophytes, Zygophyta…
ZYGOPHYTE n. a plant that reproduces by the union of two similar cells.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 53 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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