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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing H, N, P and 2R

HARPOONERharpooner n. A person who uses a harpoon, especially to hunt whales.
HARPOONER n. one who uses a harpoon, also HARPOONEER.
ORPHARIONorpharion n. (Music) A musical instrument of the Renaissance, part of the cittern family, whose metal strings are…
ORPHARION n. a large lute-like stringed instrument with six to nine metal strings, also ORPHEOREON.
PERCHERONPercheron n. A draught horse of a large, strong, usually dapple-grey breed originating in Perche, a former district of France.
PERCHERON n. (French) a draught-horse of a breed originating in La Perche in Normandy.
PORPHYRINporphyrin n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of heterocyclic compounds containing pyrrole rings arranged in a…
PORPHYRIN n. any of a large group of red or purple crystalline pigments present in plant and animal tissues.
PREHARDENpreharden v. (Engineering) To harden before machining.
PREHARDEN v. to harden in advance.
PREHENSORprehensor n. One who, or that which, takes hold; a grasping limb etc.
PREHENSOR n. something that grasps or seizes.
PREHIRINGprehiring adj. Before hiring an employee.
PREHIRING adj. before hiring.
PRESHRANKpreshrank v. Simple past tense of preshrink.
PRESHRINK v. to shrink in advance.
PRESHRINKpreshrink v. (Transitive, of clothing) To shrink in advance, before sale, in order to ensure better fit.
PRESHRINK v. to shrink in advance.
PRESHRUNKpreshrunk v. Past participle of preshrink.
PRESHRINK v. to shrink in advance.
PRONEPHRAPRONEPHROS n. a primitive kidney that disappears early in embryonic development.
PRONGHORNpronghorn n. A North American mammal, Antilocapra americana, that resembles an antelope.
PRONGHORN n. a North American ruminant, the sole member of the family Antilocapridae, resembling an antelope but having deciduous hooked horns in the male.
PYRETHRINpyrethrin n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a number of naturally occurring insecticides extracted from the pyrethrum…
PYRETHRIN n. either of two insecticidal oily esters prepared from pyrethrum flowers.
REPREHENDreprehend v. To criticize, to reprove.
REPREHEND v. to rebuke.
RESHARPENresharpen v. Sharpen again.
RESHARPEN v. to sharpen again.
SHARPENERsharpener n. A device for making things sharp.
sharpener n. (Figurative) That which makes something sharp.
sharpener n. (Informal) An alcoholic drink taken at the start of the day, or just before a meal.
TREPHINERtrephiner n. A trepanner.
TREPHINER n. a surgeon who uses a trephine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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