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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing H, N, 2P and T

OPTOPHONEoptophone n. A device that transforms light into sound.
optophone n. A device, used by the blind, that scans text and generates a different sound for each character.
OPTOPHONE n. a device transforming light into sound.
PENTALPHApentalpha n. A pentagram.
PENTALPHA n. a five-pointed star, resembling five alphas joined at their bases.
PHENOTYPEphenotype n. (Genetics, evolutionary theory) The appearance of an organism based on a multifactorial combination…
phenotype n. (Genetics, evolutionary theory) Any observable characteristic of an organism, such as its morphological…
phenotype v. To evaluate or classify based on phenotype.
PHONOTYPEphonotype n. A type or character used in phonotypy.
PHONOTYPE n. printing type for a phonetic alphabet.
PHONOTYPE v. to print in phonotype.
PHONOTYPYphonotypy n. (Historical) A method of phonetic printing of the English language, in which nearly all the ordinary…
PHONOTYPY n. the transcription into phonetic spelling advocated for ordinary use.
PITCHPINEpitchpine n. Alternative form of pitch pine.
pitch␣pine n. Pinus rigida, of the eastern US.
pitch␣pine n. Any of various pine trees from which pitch can be obtained, or which have very resinous wood, including…
SHTUPPINGshtupping v. Present participle of shtup.
SHTUP v. (vulgar Yiddish) to have sexual intercourse with, also SCHTUP.
SYNTHPOPSSYNTHPOP n. popular music played with synthesizers.
TECHNOPOPtechnopop n. (Music) An early synthpop genre with a cold, robotic sound.
TECHNOPOP n. pop music featuring synthesisers and other technological equipment.
UNHIPPESTUNHIP adj. (slang) square, not trendy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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