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There are 19 nine-letter words containing H, M and 3S

ISOCHASMSisochasms n. Plural of isochasm.
ISOCHASM n. a line connecting points of equal frequency of aurorae.
ISTHMUSESisthmuses n. Plural of isthmus.
ISTHMUS n. (Latin) a strip of land connecting two larger land masses.
MISHEGOSSmishegoss n. (Slang) Madness; silliness.
MISHEGOSS n. (Yiddish) madness, foolishness, also MESHUGAAS, MISHEGAAS, MISHUGAS.
MISSHAPESmisshapes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misshape.
MISSHAPE v. (Spenser) to shape badly.
MISSHOODSMISSHOOD n. the state of being a miss.
MUSHINESSmushiness n. The characteristic of being mushy.
MUSHINESS n. the state of being mushy.
PSEPHISMSpsephisms n. Plural of psephism.
PSEPHISM n. (historical) a decree of the Athenian assembly (from their voting with pebbles).
PSYCHISMSpsychisms n. Plural of psychism.
PSYCHISM n. the doctrine of a universal soul.
SAPPHISMSsapphisms n. Plural of sapphism.
SAPPHISM n. lesbianism.
SCHMOOSESschmooses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of schmoose.
schmooses n. Plural of schmoose.
SCHMOOS v. (Yiddish) to chat in a friendly way, also SCHMOOSE, SCHMOOZ, SCHMOOZE, SHMOOSE, SHMOOZE.
SHAMELESSshameless adj. Having no shame, no guilt nor remorse over something considered wrong; immodest; unable to feel disgrace.
shameless adj. (Obsolete) Not subject to shaming or reproach from the outside.
SHAMELESS adj. without shame.
SHAMISENSshamisens n. Plural of shamisen.
SHAMISEN n. (Japanese) a banjo-like 3-stringed instrument, also SAMISEN.
SHAMOISESSHAMOIS v. to clean with this.
SHLOSHIMSSHLOSHIM n. (Hebrew) the period of thirty days' deep mourning after a death.
SIDHUISMSSidhuisms n. Plural of Sidhuism.
SIDHUISM n. (Hinglish) any contrived metaphor or simile, also SIDDHUISM.
SMASHINGSsmashings n. Plural of smashing.
SMASHING n. the act of smashing.
SMISHINGSSMISHING n. the practice of using fraudulent text messages to extract financial data from users for purposes of identity theft.
SYMPHYSESsymphyses n. Plural of symphysis.
SYMPHYSIS n. the union or growing together of bones.
SYMPHYSISsymphysis n. (Anatomy) The process of two originally separate bones growing together as the subject matures, as with…
symphysis n. (Anatomy) A place where two bones are closely joined in the median plane of the body, either forming…
SYMPHYSIS n. the union or growing together of bones.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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