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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing H, L, 2R and T

BLATHERERblatherer n. One who blathers.
BLATHERER n. one who blathers, also BLETHERER.
BLETHERERbletherer n. (Especially Northern England, Scotland, Northern Ireland) Alternative spelling of blatherer.
BLETHERER n. one who blethers, talks loquacious nonsense, also BLATHERER.
BROTHERLYbrotherly adj. Of or characteristic of brothers.
brotherly adv. In the manner of a brother, as a brother, as brothers.
BROTHERLY adj. like a brother.
CATARRHALcatarrhal adj. Relating to catarrh.
CATARRHAL adj. of or like catarrh, also CATARRHOUS.
CHORTLERSchortlers n. Plural of chortler.
CHORTLER n. one who chortles.
EARTHLIERearthlier adj. Comparative form of earthly: more earthly.
EARTHLY adj. of earth.
LATHERERSlatherers n. Plural of latherer.
LATHERER n. one who lathers.
LATHERIERLATHERY adj. covered with lather.
NORTHERLYnortherly n. A wind blowing from the north.
northerly adj. Facing the north; directed towards the north.
northerly adj. Located in a northern region.
SHELTERERshelterer n. A person who takes shelter.
shelterer n. A person who provides shelter.
SHELTERER n. one who shelters.
THRILLERSthrillers n. Plural of thriller.
THRILLER n. one that thrills.
THRILLIERthrillier adj. Comparative form of thrilly: more thrilly.
THRILLY adj. full of thrills.
THROTTLERthrottler n. (Sometimes figuratively) One who or that which throttles.
THROTTLER n. one who, or that which, throttles.
TRIHEDRALtrihedral adj. (Geometry) Having three plane faces that meet at a common point.
TRIHEDRAL n. a solid having three sides or faces; thus, a trihedral angle is a solid angle bounded by three plane angles.
TROCHLEARtrochlear adj. (Anatomy) Shaped like, or resembling, a pulley; related to, or connected with, a trochlea.
trochlear adj. (Neuroanatomy) Of or pertaining to the trochlear nerve.
trochlear n. (Anatomy, neuroanatomy) A trochlear muscle or nerve.
ULTRARICHultrarich adj. Extremely rich; very wealthy.
ultrarich adj. Extremely rich in flavor; very sweet, fatty, or intensely flavorful.
ultrarich adj. (Of color) Extremely bold and vivid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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