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There are 15 nine-letter words containing H, I, P, U and Y

DUMPISHLYdumpishly adv. In a dumpish manner; dejectedly; gloomily.
DUMPISH adv. dull; sad.
EUCRYPHIAeucryphia n. Any tree of the genus Eucryphia.
EUCRYPHIA n. a tree or shrub of the mostly evergreen genus Eucryphia.
HARUSPICYharuspicy n. The study and divination by use of animal entrails, usually the victims of sacrifice.
HARUSPICY n. divination by inspection of the entrails of sacrificed animals.
HYPERICUMhypericum n. (Botany) Any of many flowering plants of the genus Hypericum, the St John’s worts.
Hypericum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Hypericaceae – of nearly worldwide distribution, including Saint John’s wort.
HYPERICUM n. a herbaceous plant or shrub.
LUMPISHLYlumpishly adv. In a lumpish manner.
LUMPISH adv. like a lump; sullen, also LOMPISH.
MUMPISHLYmumpishly adv. Sulkily; sullenly.
MUMPISH adv. sulky.
PHYSIQUEDphysiqued adj. Having a specified kind of physique.
PHYSIQUED adj. having a particular physique.
PHYSIQUESphysiques n. Plural of physique.
PHYSIQUE n. the form or structure of the body.
PRUDISHLYprudishly adv. In a prudish manner.
PRUDISH adv. marked by prudery.
PUCKISHLYpuckishly adv. Mischievously; playfully.
PUCKISH adv. like a puck, impish.
PUSHINGLYpushingly adv. So as to push.
PUSHING adv. PUSH, to thrust or press against.
SULPHINYLsulphinyl n. Alternative spelling of sulfinyl.
SULPHINYL n. the bivalent chemical group SO, also SULFINYL.
UNHAPPILYunhappily adv. Unfortunately; regrettably.
unhappily adv. Through evil fate or chance; wretchedly.
unhappily adv. Without happiness; sadly.
UPRIGHTLYuprightly adv. In an upright manner.
UPRIGHT adv. vertical.
YUPPIEISHyuppieish adj. Alternative form of yuppyish.
YUPPIEISH adj. like a yuppie.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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