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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing H, I, L, S and Z

HYLOZOISMhylozoism n. A philosophical doctrine espousing that all or some material things possess life, or that all life is…
HYLOZOISM n. the doctrine that all matter is endowed with life.
HYLOZOISThylozoist n. A proponent of hylozoism.
hylozoist adj. Pertaining to or reflecting hylozoism; hylozoic.
HYLOZOIST n. one who maintains the doctrine of hylozoism, that all matter is endowed with life.
SCHNITZELschnitzel n. A dish consisting of fried veal cutlet.
schnitzel n. (By extension) A Germanic dish of breaded and deep-fried meat cutlet.
SCHNITZEL n. (German) a thin veal cutlet fried in butter.
SHIMOZZLEshimozzle n. Alternative form of schmozzle.
SHIMOZZLE n. (Yiddish) a mess, a scrape, also SCHEMOZZLE, SHEMOZZLE, SHLEMOZZLE.
SHLIMAZELshlimazel n. Alternative form of schlimazel.
SHLIMAZEL n. (Yiddish) an unlucky person, also SCHLIMAZEL.
SYPHILIZEsyphilize v. (Medicine, transitive) To inoculate with syphilis.
SYPHILIZE v. to inoculate or infect with syphilis, also SYPHILISE.
THIAZOLESthiazoles n. Plural of thiazole.
THIAZOLE n. a heterocyclic compound that contains both sulfur and nitrogen, also THIAZOL.
ZOOPHILESzoophiles n. Plural of zoophile.
ZOOPHILE n. a lover of animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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