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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing H, 2I, N and Z

ATHEIZINGatheizing v. Present participle of atheize.
ATHEIZE v. to talk as an atheist, also ATHEISE.
CHINTZIERchintzier adj. Comparative form of chintzy: more chintzy.
CHINTZY adj. like chintz; cheap, gaudy.
CHINTZILYchintzily adv. In a chintzy fashion.
CHINTZY adv. like chintz; cheap, gaudy.
ECHOIZINGechoizing v. Present participle of echoize.
ECHOIZE v. to repeat another person's words, also ECHOISE.
HEROIZINGheroizing v. Present participle of heroize.
HEROIZE v. to make heroic, also HEROISE.
HIBERNIZEHibernize v. (Transitive) To make Irish.
HOMINIZEDhominized v. Simple past tense and past participle of hominize.
HOMINIZE v. to alter the environment to conform with evolving man, also HOMINISE.
HOMINIZEShominizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hominize.
HOMINIZE v. to alter the environment to conform with evolving man, also HOMINISE.
HYALINIZEHYALINIZE v. of tissue, to change to a firm, glassy consistency, also HYALINISE.
MYTHIZINGmythizing v. Present participle of mythize.
MYTHIZE v. to tell a traditional story, also MYTHISE.
PHLORIZINphlorizin n. (Organic chemistry) A glucoside of phloretin, phloretin-2’-β-D-glucopyranoside, found in unripe apples.
PHLORIZIN n. a chemical found in the root bark of fruit trees.
SHVITZINGshvitzing v. Present participle of shvitz.
SHVITZ v. (Yiddish) to sweat, also SCHVITZ.
THIAZINESthiazines n. Plural of thiazine.
THIAZINE n. any of a group of organic compounds containing four carbon atoms, one sulphur and one nitrogen atom, also THIAZIN.
WHAIZLINGWHAIZLE v. (Scots) to wheeze, also WHAISLE.
WHIZZINGSwhizzings n. Plural of whizzing.
WHIZZING n. the act of whizzing.
ZILLIONTHzillionth adj. (Informal) The ordinal form of the number zillion.
zillionth n. (Informal) The person or thing in the zillionth position.
zillionth n. (Informal) One of a zillion equal parts of a whole.
ZUCCHINISzucchinis n. Plural of zucchini.
ZUCCHINI n. (Italian) a courgette.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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