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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2H, N, O and R

HARTSHORNhartshorn n. (Countable) The antler of a hart, once used as a source of ammonia.
hartshorn n. (Dated) An aqueous solution of ammonia; smelling salts.
hartshorn v. (Transitive) To revive with hartshorn smelling salts.
HAWTHORNShawthorns n. Plural of hawthorn.
Hawthorns prop.n. Plural of Hawthorn.
HAWTHORN n. a small tree of the rose family, widely used for hedges.
HAWTHORNYhawthorny adj. Resembling hawthorns, hawthorn-like.
hawthorny adj. Of, or pertaining to, hawthorns.
hawthorny adj. Full of hawthorns.
HERONSHAWheronshaw n. Alternative form of heronsew.
HOARHOUNDhoarhound n. Alternative form of horehound.
HOARHOUND n. a kind of wild flower, also HOREHOUND.
HOORAHINGhoorahing v. Present participle of hoorah.
HOORAH v. to shout hooray, also HOORAY, HURRA, HURRAH, HURRAY.
HOREHOUNDhorehound n. Any plant of the genus Marrubium.
horehound n. Any plant of the genus Ballota.
horehound n. A herb, Marrubium vulgare, of the mint family, traditionally used as a cough remedy and to make a type of hard candy.
HORNYHEADhornyhead n. Any North American chubs of the genus Nocomis, especially Nocomis biguttatus.
HORNYHEAD n. a North American river chub.
HURCHEONShurcheons n. Plural of hurcheon.
HURCHEON n. (Scots) an urchin, a hedgehog.
NONCHURCHnonchurch adj. Not of or pertaining to a church.
NONCHURCH v. to take away a church's status as a church.
NOWHITHERnowhither adv. (Archaic) nowhere; to no place.
NOWHITHER adv. (archaic) in no direction.
RHINOLITHrhinolith n. A calculus that forms in the nasal cavity.
RHINOLITH n. a concretion formed within the cavities of the nose.
RHONCHIALrhonchial adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to a rhonchus; produced by rhonchi.
RHONCHIAL adj. of or relating to snoring, also RHONCHAL.
ROUGHHEWNroughhewn adj. Alternative form of rough-hewn.
rough-hewn adj. Hewn roughly without a neat finish.
ROUGHHEW v. to shape roughly.
SHOEHORNSshoehorns n. Plural of shoehorn.
shoehorns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shoehorn.
shoe-horns n. Plural of shoe-horn.
SHORTHANDshorthand n. A rough and rapid method of writing by substituting symbols for letters, words, etc.
shorthand n. (By extension) Any brief or shortened way of saying or doing something.
shorthand v. (Transitive) To render (spoken or written words) into shorthand.
SHORTHORNshorthorn adj. Describing cattle that have distinctively short horns.
shorthorn n. One of a breed of cattle, originating in England, with distinctively short horns (in contrast to longhorn cattle).
SHORTHORN n. a breed of sheep.
THORNBUSHthornbush n. Any of many thorny or spiny shrubs and bushes.
THORNBUSH n. a bush bearing thorns.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 85 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 85 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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