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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2H, I, N and R

CHINCHIERchinchier adj. Comparative form of chinchy: more chinchy.
CHINCHY adj. stingy.
CHURCHINGchurching n. (Christianity) The ceremonial blessing of a woman who has given birth.
churching v. Present participle of church.
CHURCHING n. a church ceremony given to women after childbirth.
HACHURINGhachuring v. Present participle of hachure.
HACHURE v. (French) to make a hatching on a map.
HIGHERINGhighering adj. Rising higher; ascending.
highering v. Present participle of higher.
HIGHER v. to raise, make higher.
HITHERINGHITHER v. to come this way.
HOORAHINGhoorahing v. Present participle of hoorah.
HOORAH v. to shout hooray, also HOORAY, HURRA, HURRAH, HURRAY.
HURRAHINGhurrahing v. Present participle of hurrah.
hurrahing n. A cry of hurrah.
HURRAH v. to shout hurrah, also HOORAH, HOORAY, HURRA, HURRAY.
HUSHERINGhushering v. Present participle of husher.
HUSHER v. to usher, escort people to heir seats.
NOWHITHERnowhither adv. (Archaic) nowhere; to no place.
NOWHITHER adv. (archaic) in no direction.
REHASHINGrehashing v. Present participle of rehash.
rehashing n. The act by which something is rehashed.
REHASH v. to go over old ideas again.
RHINOLITHrhinolith n. A calculus that forms in the nasal cavity.
RHINOLITH n. a concretion formed within the cavities of the nose.
RHONCHIALrhonchial adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to a rhonchus; produced by rhonchi.
RHONCHIAL adj. of or relating to snoring, also RHONCHAL.
THIRDHANDthirdhand adj. Having been relayed by two intermediate sources.
thirdhand adj. Having had two previous owners.
thirdhand adv. By two intermediates.
THRASHINGthrashing v. Present participle of thrash.
thrashing n. Action of the verb to thrash.
thrashing n. A beating, especially a severe one.
THRESHINGthreshing v. Present participle of thresh.
threshing n. The process by which something is threshed.
THRESHING n. the act of threshing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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