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There are 19 eight-letter words containing H, O, P and 2T

FOOTPATHfootpath n. Any set path or trail to be used by people walking.
footpath n. (Australia, New Zealand, India) A paved path located at the side of a road for the use of pedestrians.
FOOTPATH n. a path for pedestrians.
HEATSPOTheatspot n. A spot that is hotter than the surrounding area.
HEATSPOT n. a spot or blotch on the skin caused by heat.
HOTCHPOThotchpot n. Alternative form of hotchpotch.
hotchpot n. (Civil law, inheritance) The blending together of property so as to achieve equal division, mainly in…
HOTCHPOT n. a confused mass of ingredients shaken or mixed together in the same pot, also HODGEPODGE, HOTCHPOTCH.
HOTPLATEhotplate n. A semi-portable stove.
hotplate n. The element of a stove.
hotplate n. A low-powered heating device for keeping food warm.
HOTSPOTShotspots n. Plural of hotspot.
hot␣spots n. Plural of hot spot.
HOTSPOT n. an area known for violence or unrest.
OUTPITCHoutpitch v. (Baseball) To pitch better than an opposing pitcher.
OUTPITCH v. to surpass in pitching.
PHOTOFITphotofit n. An image of a person constructed out of bits of photographs of other people; a facial composite.
PHOTOFIT n. (tradename) a method of building up a picture of a person by assembling a number of photographs of individual facial features.
PHOTOSETphotoset v. To photocompose.
photoset n. A set of photographs.
PHOTOSET v. to prepare for printing by photographic means.
PITCHOUTpitchout n. (Baseball) A pitch that is intentionally thrown high and outside of the strike zone in order to prevent a stolen base.
pitch␣out n. (Baseball) A pitch which was intentionally thrown outside to the catcher who stands up with the pitch…
pitch␣out v. (Baseball, intransitive) To intentionally throw the ball outside to the catcher who stands up with the…
POCHETTEpochette n. Synonym of kit violin.
pochette n. A small handbag shaped like an envelope.
POCHETTE n. (French) a pocket notecase or wallet.
POORTITHPOORTITH n. (Scots) poverty, also PUIRTITH.
POSTHEATPOSTHEAT v. to heat a material (usually metal) after welding or treating to relieve stresses.
POTLATCHpotlatch n. (Canada, US, also figuratively) A ceremony amongst certain indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest…
potlatch n. (US, chiefly Alaska) A communal meal to which guests bring dishes to share; a potluck.
potlatch v. (Transitive) To give; especially, to give as a gift during a potlatch ceremony.
POTSHOTSpotshots n. Plural of potshot.
pot␣shots n. Plural of pot shot.
POTSHOT v. to shoot randomly at.
THIOTEPAthiotepa n. A particular drug used in chemotherapy.
thioTEPA n. A particular drug used in chemotherapy.
THIOTEPA n. a sulfur compound, used as an antineoplastic.
THUMBPOTthumbpot n. A very small pot used by florists for starting slips or seedlings.
THUMBPOT n. a very small flowerpot.
TOPNOTCHtopnotch adj. Alternative form of top notch (“of the highest level”).
top-notch adj. Alternative form of top notch (“of the highest quality”).
top␣notch adj. (Idiomatic) Very good; of the highest level or quality.
TOWPATHStowpaths n. Plural of towpath.
TOWPATH n. a path along a river where animals draw boats.
WHITEPOTwhitepot n. (Historical) An early form of bread and butter pudding, made with bone marrow or butter.
white-pot n. (UK, Devon, dialect) A kind of food made of milk or cream, eggs, sugar, bread, etc., baked in a pot.
WHITEPOT n. a Devonshire pudding of sliced rolls, milk, eggs, sugar etc. baked.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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