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There are 15 eight-letter words containing H, M, S and 2U

EUPHUISMeuphuism n. (Uncountable) An ornate style of writing (in Elizabethan England) marked by the excessive use of alliteration…
euphuism n. An instance of euphuism.
EUPHUISM n. an affected literary style.
HAMULOUShamulous adj. Shaped like a little hook, or hamule.
HAMULOUS adj. relating to a small hook, also HAMULAR, HAMULATE, HAMULOSE.
HOUMUSESHOUMUS n. (Turkish) a Middle Eastern hors d'oeuvre of pureed chickpea and sesame oil, also HOMMOS, HOUMMOS, HOUMOUS, HUMMUS, HUMOUSES.
HUMDRUMShumdrums n. Plural of humdrum.
HUMDRUM n. a dull boring person.
HUMMAUMShummaums n. Plural of hummaum.
HUMMAUM n. (Arabic) a Turkish bath, also HAMMAM, HUMMUM.
HUMMUSEShummuses n. Plural of hummus.
HUMMUS n. (Turkish) a Middle Eastern hors d'oeuvre of pureed chickpea and sesame oil, also HOMMOS, HOUMMOS, HOUMOUS, HOUMUS, HUMOUSES.
HUMOROUShumorous adj. Full of humor or arousing laughter; funny.
humorous adj. Showing humor; witty, jocular.
humorous adj. (Obsolete) Damp or watery.
HUMOUSESHUMOUS n. a Middle Eastern hors d'oeuvre of pureed chickpea and sesame oil.
HUMSTRUMhumstrum n. An instrument out of tune or rudely constructed.
humstrum n. A hurdy-gurdy.
humstrum n. (Uncountable) Music badly played.
HUMUSIERHUMUSY adj. having much humus.
MINSHUKUminshuku n. A type of hotel found in Japan, a cheaper version of a ryokan.
MINSHUKU n. (Japanese) a Japanese guest house.
MUSQUASHmusquash n. The muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus.
Musquash prop.n. A civil parish of Saint John County, New Brunswick, Canada.
MUSQUASH n. a large semiaquatic North American rodent, resembling a beaver, also MUSHRAT, MUSKRAT.
SUBHUMANsubhuman adj. Less than human; lacking characteristics of a human.
subhuman n. Anything which is less than human.
SUBHUMAN n. one that is less than human.
SUBHUMIDsubhumid adj. (Of a climate) Having a humidity typical of grassland or prairie.
SUBHUMID adj. of a climate, too wet for xerophytic vegetation, but not wet enough for tree growth.
THULIUMSTHULIUM n. a rare metallic chemical element of the lanthanide series.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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