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There are 19 eight-letter words containing H, M, O, S and W

DUMBSHOWdumbshow n. Alternative spelling of dumb show.
dumb-show n. Alternative spelling of dumb show.
dumb␣show n. (Theater) A performance during which the players do not speak; mime.
FISHWORMfishworm n. A worm used as bait in angling.
FISHWORM n. a worm used as bait.
GAMESHOWgameshow n. Alternative spelling of game show.
game␣show n. (Games, broadcasting) A radio or television program that involves members of the public or celebrities…
GAMESHOW n. a television show involving game play.
MESHWORKmeshwork n. A net; an assembly of meshes.
MESHWORK n. a network.
MISTHROWmisthrow v. (Transitive) To throw incorrectly.
misthrow n. An incorrect throw.
MISTHROW v. to throw errantly.
MORPHEWSmorphews n. Plural of morphew.
Morphews prop.n. Plural of Morphew.
MORPHEW n. (Italian) a skin eruption.
MOSTWHATmostwhat adv. (Obsolete) mostly; for the most part.
MOSTWHAT adv. (Spenser) for the most part.
SHIPWORMshipworm n. Any of several wormlike marine mollusks (not true worms) of the family Teredinidae, that bore through…
SHIPWORM n. a wormlike mollusc, aka teredo, that makes shell-lined tunnels in submerged wood.
SHOWJUMPshowjump v. (Intransitive) To take part in showjumping.
SHOWJUMP v. to take part in a showjumping competition.
SHOWROOMshowroom n. A room in a business set aside for the display of the company’s products.
showroom n. (Dated) A room or apartment where a show is exhibited.
showroom v. To inspect merchandise in a physical store, then purchase the identical product from an online merchant;…
SHOWTIMEshowtime n. The time at which an entertainment event is set to begin.
showtime n. (Figurative) The time for action.
showtime interj. A declaration that something is about to happen, particularly that the person speaking is about to act.
SOMEWHATsomewhat adv. (Degree) To a limited extent or degree.
somewhat adv. (UK, meiosis) Very.
somewhat pron. (Archaic) Something.
SOMEWHENsomewhen adv. (Rare, nonstandard) at some time; indefinitely; some time or other, sometime.
SOMEWHEN adv. at some indefinite time.
WASHROOMwashroom n. A room intended to wash the face and hands.
washroom n. (Canada, rarely US, euphemistic) A room with a toilet, particularly a public toilet.
wash␣room n. An unfurnished room within a building used for hand washing, bathing, laundry, dish washing, etc.
WHOLISMSwholisms n. Plural of wholism.
WHOLISM n. the philosophical theory that a complex system is more than the sum of its parts, also HOLISM.
WHOMBLESwhombles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of whomble.
whombles n. Plural of whomble.
WHOMBLE v. to overturn; to throw into a state of disorder, also WHEMMLE, WHOMMLE, WHUMMLE.
WHOMMLESwhommles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of whommle.
whommles n. Plural of whommle.
WHOMMLE v. to overturn; to throw into a state of disorder, also WHEMMLE, WHOMBLE, WHUMMLE.
WHOOMPHSwhoomphs n. Plural of whoomph.
whoomphs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of whoomph.
WHOOMPH n. a sudden loud sound, also WHOOMP.
WOMANISHwomanish adj. (Often derogatory) Characteristic of a woman; effeminate, feminine.
womanish adj. Carried out by or pertaining to a woman.
WOMANISH adj. feminine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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