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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing H, M, N, P and R

HYPERNYMhypernym n. (Semantics) A superordinate word or phrase; a term whose referents form a set which includes as a subset…
HYPERNYM n. a word representing a class of words or things, e.g. dog.
MORPHEANMorphean adj. (Literary) Pertaining to Morpheus; sleepy, soporific, oneiric.
MORPHEAN adj. pertaining to Morpheus the Greek god of dreams.
MORPHINEmorphine n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) A crystalline alkaloid (7,8-didehydro-4,5-epoxy-17-methyl-morphinan-3,6-diol)…
MORPHINE n. the principal alkaloid in opium, also MORPHIN.
MORPHINGmorphing v. Present participle of morph.
morphing n. (Computing) The smooth transformation of one image into another using digital tweening.
MORPHING n. the technique of using computer graphics.
MORPHINSmorphins n. Plural of morphin.
MORPHIN n. the principal alkaloid in opium, also MORPHINE.
NEOMORPHneomorph n. (Genetics) A gain of function mutation that causes novel gene function.
NEOMORPH n. a structure, part, or organ developed independently, that is, not derived from a similar structure, part, or organ, in a preexisting form.
NEPHRISMnephrism n. (Pathology) The symptoms of kidney disease.
NEPHRISM n. ill health caused by kidney disease.
PHARMINGpharming n. The use of genetic engineering to alter an animal or plant in order to make it produce a pharmaceutical…
pharming n. (Computing) The redirection of traffic for one website to another, with intent to deceive.
PHARMING n. the production of pharmaceuticals from genetically altered plants or animals.
PHORMINXphorminx n. A kind of lyre used by the Ancient Greeks.
PHORMINX n. (Greek) a kind of lyre used by the Greeks.
PHRENISMphrenism n. (Obsolete) A supposed "thought force" in vitalism.
PHRENISM n. a purported mind-force which directs evolution.
PREHUMANprehuman adj. Preceding the advent of modern humanity, Homo sapiens.
prehuman n. One of the human-like creatures prior to Homo sapiens.
PREHUMAN n. a prototype of man.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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