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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing H, 2L, O and Y

BALLYHOOballyhoo n. Sensational or clamorous advertising or publicity.
ballyhoo n. Noisy shouting or uproar.
ballyhoo v. To sensationalise or make grand claims.
BILLYOHSBILLYOH n. in the phrase "like billyoh", extremely, also BILLYO.
CHORALLYchorally adv. In a choral manner; as a choir.
CHORAL adv. relating to a choir.
HALLYONSHALLYON n. (Scots) a lout or lazy rascal, also HALLIAN, HALLION.
HILLOCKYhillocky adj. Resembling a hillock.
hillocky adj. Having hillocks.
HILLOCKY adj. full of hillocks.
HOLLOWLYhollowly adv. In a hollow manner.
HOLLOW adv. not solid.
HOMELILYhomelily adv. In a homely way; plainly; inelegantly.
HOMELY adv. unattractive.
LOUCHELYlouchely adv. In a louche manner.
LOUCHE adv. (French) not reputable.
LYOPHILElyophile n. (Chemistry) a lyophilic substance.
lyophile adj. (Chemistry) lyophilic.
LYOPHILE adj. of a colloid, readily dispersed in a suitable medium, also LYOPHIL, LYOPHILIC.
OWLISHLYowlishly adv. In an owlish manner, especially with regard to looking.
OWLISH adv. like an owl.
PHYLLODEphyllode n. (Botany) A flattened petiole or leaf rachis that resembles and functions as a leaf, and may or may not…
PHYLLODE n. a flattened petiole that serves as a leaf.
PHYLLODYphyllody n. (Botany) A retrograde metamorphosis of the floral organs to the condition of leaves.
PHYLLODY n. a flower transformation.
PHYLLOIDphylloid adj. Resembling a leaf.
PHYLLOID n. a leaflike assimilatory organ in brown algae.
PHYLLOMEphyllome n. (Botany) A foliar part of a plant; any organ homologous with a leaf, or produced by metamorphosis of a leaf.
PHYLLOME n. a leaf of a plant.
PROPHYLLprophyll n. (Botany) The frequently specialised or reduced leaf produced at the first node of a new shoot.
PROPHYLL n. a small leaf on the axis of a flower.
TALLYHOStallyhos n. Plural of tallyho.
tally-hos n. Plural of tally-ho.
tally␣hos n. Plural of tally ho.
UNHOLILYunholily adv. In an unholy way.
UNHOLY adv. not holy.
YELLOCHSyellochs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of yelloch.
YELLOCH v. (Scots) to yell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 57 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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