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There are 20 eight-letter words containing H, I, 2R and U

AIRBRUSHairbrush n. A miniature, handheld paint sprayer, powered by compressed air or other gas, used for delicate, artistic…
airbrush v. To paint using an airbrush.
airbrush v. To touch up or enhance a photograph or person, often with intent to mislead.
BRUSHIERbrushier adj. Comparative form of brushy: more brushy.
BRUSHY adj. resembling a brush; shaggy.
BURRFISHburrfish n. Chilomycterus schoepfi, a fish of the family Diodontidae distinguished from the porcupinefish by the…
BURRFISH n. a fish with erect spines.
CHIRRUPSchirrups n. Plural of chirrup.
CHIRRUP v. to chirp repeatedly.
CHIRRUPYchirrupy adj. Making chirruping noises.
CHIRRUPY adj. cheerful.
CHURIDARchuridar n. A pair of tight-fitting trousers, worn by men and women in South Asia.
CHURIDAR n. (Hindi) as in churidar pyjamas, long tight-fitting trousers worn by Indian men and women.
CHURRINGchurring v. Present participle of churr.
CHURR v. to make a vibrant sound.
DHURRIESdhurries n. Plural of dhurrie.
DHURRIE n. (Hindi) an Indian cotton rug, also DURRIE.
HIERURGYhierurgy n. A sacred performance.
HIERURGY n. a sacred performance.
HUNGRIERhungrier adj. Comparative form of hungry: more hungry.
HUNGRY adj. having a craving desire.
HURRAINGhurraing v. Present participle of hurra.
HURRA v. to shout hurra, also HOORAH, HOORAY, HURRAH, HURRAY.
HURRIERShurriers n. Plural of hurrier.
HURRIER n. one who hurries.
HURRYINGhurrying v. Present participle of hurry.
hurrying n. The act of one who hurries; hasty motion.
HURRYING n. the act of hurrying.
MURRHINEmurrhine adj. Made of the stone or material called murrha by the Ancient Romans; applied to certain costly vases of…
murrhine n. Alternative form of murrine.
MURRHINE n. a kind of clear glassware used to make ancient Roman vases, also MURRINE, MYRRHINE.
RHEUMIERrheumier adj. Comparative form of rheumy: more rheumy.
RHEUMY adj. like rheum.
ROUTHIERRouthier prop.n. A surname.
ROUTHIE adj. (Scots) plentiful.
SCIRRHUSscirrhus n. (Obsolete) An indurated organ or part, especially a gland.
scirrhus n. (Obsolete) A cancerous tumour which is hard, translucent, of a gray or bluish color, and emits a creaking…
SCIRRHUS n. (Latin) a hard tumour.
THURIFERthurifer n. An acolyte who carries a thurible.
THURIFER n. an altar boy or acolyte who carries a thurible.
TRUTHIERtruthier adj. Comparative form of truthy: more truthy.
TRUTHY adj. characterized by truth.
UNHAIRERunhairer n. A person employed to remove the hair from animal skins.
UNHAIRER n. one who unhairs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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