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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing H, I, M and 2N

CHAINMANchainman n. (Surveying) One who uses a chain or measuring tape.
CHAINMAN n. a surveyor's assistant.
CHAINMENchainmen n. Plural of chainman.
CHAINMAN n. a surveyor's assistant.
CHINAMANchinaman n. (Obsolete) A dealer in porcelain (china).
chinaman n. (Cricket, dated) A left-arm unorthodox bowling action (left-arm wrist-spin).
chinaman n. (Cricket) A spin bowler who uses such an action.
CHINAMENchinamen n. Plural of chinaman.
Chinamen n. Plural of Chinaman.
CHINAMAN n. a tricky ball bowled by a left handed bowler.
HOMINIANHOMINIAN n. a manlike creature, also HOMINID.
HOMININEhominine adj. Of or relating to the Homininae, a subfamily of Hominidae that includes humans, gorillas, chimpanzees…
hominine n. Any member of the subfamily Homininae.
HOMININE adj. characteristic of man.
HOMININShominins n. Plural of hominin.
HOMININ n. any member of the taxonomic tribe Hominini, usually taken to comprise humans and their direct ancestors, but sometimes taken also to include chimpanzees.
INHUMANEinhumane adj. Alternative form of inhuman: lacking pity or compassion for misery and suffering; cruel, unkind.
INHUMANE adj. not humane.
INHUMINGinhuming v. Present participle of inhume.
INHUME v. to bury, also INHUMATE.
MENSHINGMENSH v. (colloquial) to mention.
MUNCHINGmunching n. Gerund of munch: the action of one who munches.
munching n. The sound of one who munches.
munching v. Present participle of munch.
MUNCHKINmunchkin n. (Informal) A child.
munchkin n. (Informal) A person of very short stature.
munchkin n. Alternative form of Munchkin (a domestic cat breed).
NIHONIUMnihonium n. The synthetic transactinide chemical element with atomic number 113.
NIHONIUM n. a highly radioactive element, of which only a few atoms have ever been produced.
NONOHMICnonohmic adj. Not ohmic.
NONOHMIC adj. not measured in ohms.
NYMPHINGnymphing n. (Fishing) fly fishing using a nymph.
NYMPH v. to fish using a fly that is shaped like a larva.
WINCHMANwinchman n. A man who operates a winch.
WINCHMAN n. one who operates a winch.
WINCHMENwinchmen n. Plural of winchman.
WINCHMAN n. one who operates a winch.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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