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There are 20 eight-letter words containing H, 2I, O and P

AMPHIOXIamphioxi n. Plural of amphioxus.
AMPHIOXUS n. (Greek) a fishlike creature, two or three inches long, found in temperate seas, aka lancelet.
BIOCHIPSbiochips n. Plural of biochip.
BIOCHIP n. a computer logic circuit whose components are formed from biological molecules or structures.
HEMIOPIAhemiopia n. Hemianopia.
HEMIOPIA n. a defect of vision in consequence of which a person sees only half of an object looked at, also HEMIANOPIA, HEMIANOPSIA, HEMIOPSIA.
HEMIOPIChemiopic adj. Hemianopsic.
HEMIOPIC adj. suffering from hemiopia, blind in half the field of vision, also HEMIANOPIC, HEMIANOPTIC.
HOPLITIChoplitic adj. Relating to hoplites.
HOPLITIC adj. of or like a hoplite, a heavily armed Greek foot soldier.
HOSPITIAhospitia n. Plural of hospitium.
HOSPITIUM n. (Latin) a nursing home for the terminally ill.
OPHIDIANophidian n. Any species of the suborder Serpentes; a snake or serpent.
ophidian adj. Of or pertaining to the suborder Serpentes; of, related to, or characteristic of a snake or serpent.
OPHIDIAN n. a snake.
OPHIURIDophiurid adj. Alternative form of ophiuroid.
ophiurid n. Alternative form of ophiuroid.
OPHIURID n. a member of the Ophiura genus of brittle-stars or sand-stars, also OPHIURA, OPHIURAN, OPHIUROID.
PHIMOSISphimosis n. (Medicine) A contraction of the foreskin (either as a stage of development or a pathological condition)…
PHIMOSIS n. (Greek) the abnormal constriction of the opening of the prepuce.
PHIMOTICphimotic adj. Pertaining to, or afflicted with, phimosis.
PHIMOTIC adj. relating to phimosis, a condition of the penis in which the prepuce can not be drawn back so as to uncover the glans penis.
PHOTINIAphotinia n. Any member of the genus Photinia of small trees and large shrubs in the family Rosaceae.
Photinia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Rosaceae.
PHOTINIA n. any of a genus of evergreen or deciduous trees or shrubs of the Rosaceae family.
PIHOIHOIpihoihoi n. (New Zealand) Anthus novaeseelandiae, the Australasian pipit.
PIHOIHOI n. (Maori) a variety of New Zealand pipit.
PIROSHKIpiroshki n. Alternative spelling of pirozhki.
PIROZHOK n. a small, Russian pastry.
PIROZHKIpirozhki n. Small pastries filled with finely chopped meat, vegetables or fruit baked or fried, from eastern European…
pirozhki n. A single such pastry.
PIROZHOK n. a small, Russian pastry.
PISOLITHpisolith n. A pisoid.
pisolith n. A pisolite.
PISOLITH n. a limestone with pea sized formations in circles, also PISOLITE.
POWHIRISpowhiris n. Plural of powhiri.
POWHIRI n. (Maori) a Maori ceremony of welcome to a marae, also POHIRI.
PROHIBITprohibit v. (Transitive) To forbid, disallow, or proscribe officially; to make illegal or illicit.
PROHIBIT v. to forbid with authority.
SIPHONICsiphonic adj. Of or pertaining to a siphon.
SIPHONIC adj. pertaining to a siphon, also SIPHONAL.
THIOPHILTHIOPHIL adj. of bacteria, having an affinity for sulphur.
XIPHOIDSxiphoids n. Plural of xiphoid.
XIPHOID n. the xiphoid process or xiphisternum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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