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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2H, 2I and S

BHISHTISbhishtis n. Plural of bhishti.
BHISHTI n. (Hindi) an Indian water carrier, also BHEESTIE, BHEESTY, BHISTEE, BHISTI, BHISTIE.
CHILDISHchildish adj. Of or suitable for a child.
childish adj. Immature in thought or behaviour.
CHILDISH adj. like a child.
HEIRSHIPheirship n. The status of being heir to something or someone.
HEIRSHIP n. the right of inheritance.
HIBACHIShibachis n. Plural of hibachi.
HIBACHI n. (Japanese) a portable barbecue for cooking food out of doors.
HIGHRISEhighrise n. Alternative spelling of high-rise.
high-rise n. A tall building, one consisting of many storeys.
high-rise adj. (Of clothing) Designed to sit high on, or above, the wearer’s hips.
HIPPYISHhippyish adj. (Informal) Having characteristics of a hippy.
HIPPYISH adj. relating to or resembling a hippy.
LIGHTISHlightish adj. Somewhat light in colour.
lightish adj. Somewhat light in weight.
LIGHTISH adj. somewhat light.
PHISHINGphishing n. (Computing) The malicious act of keeping a false website or sending a false e-mail with the intent of…
phishing n. The act of circumventing security with an alias.
phishing v. Present participle of phish.
PHTHISICphthisic n. (Pathology) A wasting illness of the lungs, such as asthma or tuberculosis; consumption; phthisis.
phthisic n. (Pathology, formerly) Any wasting disease.
phthisic n. A person suffering from phthisis.
PHTHISISphthisis n. (Archaic) An atrophy of the body or part of the body, especially pulmonary tuberculosis.
PHTHISIS n. a disease of the lungs, also PHTHISIC.
RIGHTISHrightish adj. Somewhat correct.
rightish adj. In a direction roughly to the right.
rightish adj. (Politics) Towards the political right wing.
SEMIHIGHsemihigh adj. Moderately high.
SEMIHIGH adj. moderately high.
THICKISHthickish adj. Somewhat thick.
THICKISH adj. somewhat thick.
THIEVISHthievish adj. Having a tendency to steal.
thievish adj. Having the manner of a thief; furtive; stealthy.
THIEVISH adj. given to stealing.
THINNISHthinnish adj. Somewhat thin.
THINNISH adj. somewhat thin.
TIGHTISHtightish adj. Somewhat tight.
TIGHTISH adj. somewhat tight.
WHISHINGwhishing v. Present participle of whish.
WHISH v. to move with a hissing sound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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