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There are 20 seven-letter words containing H, 2O, R and T

AGOROTHagoroth n. Plural of agora.
AGORA n. a marketplace in ancient Greece.
CHEROOTcheroot n. A cigar with square-cut ends.
CHEROOT n. (Tamil) a square-cut cigar, also SHEROOT.
COHORTScohorts n. Plural of cohort.
COHORT n. one of ten divisions of an ancient Roman legion.
HOOFROThoofrot n. Synonym of footrot.
HOOFROT n. foot-rot.
HOOTERShooters n. Plural of hooter.
hooters n. (Slang) A woman’s breasts.
HOOTER n. one that hoots.
HOOTIERhootier adj. Comparative form of hooty: more hooty.
HOOTY adj. sounding like the cry of an owl.
HORNITOhornito n. (Geology) A low, oven-shaped mound, common in volcanic regions, emitting smoke and vapours from its sides and summit.
HORNITO n. (Spanish) a mound of volcanic matter.
HOTRODShotrods n. Plural of hotrod.
hot␣rods n. Plural of hot rod.
HOTROD n. a motorcar converted for speed by stripping off inessentials.
ORTHROSorthros n. (Christianity) The divine office or service at dawn of the Orthodox Christian Church.
ORTHROS n. (Greek) one of the Greek canonical hours.
OVERHOToverhot adj. Excessively hot.
OVERHOT adj. excessively hot.
RESHOOTreshoot v. (Transitive) To shoot again, especially of video recording.
reshoot n. An instance of reshooting.
re-shoot v. Alternative form of reshoot.
SHEROOTsheroot n. Alternative form of cheroot.
SHEROOT n. (Tamil) a square-cut cigar, also CHEROOT.
SHOOTERshooter n. Someone who shoots something; a gunner, archer, etc.
shooter n. (Craps) The player throwing the dice.
shooter n. (Slang) A firearm.
SOOTHERsoother adj. (Archaic) comparative form of sooth: more sooth, truer.
soother n. One who, or that which, soothes.
soother n. (Canada, Ireland) A plastic device that goes into a baby’s mouth, used to calm and quiet the baby.
THEORBOtheorbo n. (Music) A baroque, double-necked lute having an extra set of open bass strings.
THEORBO n. (Italian) a double-necked lute, aka chitarrone.
THORONSTHORON n. the radioactive isotope of radon given off by the decomposition of thorium.
TOHEROAtoheroa n. (New Zealand) Paphies ventricosa, a large edible bivalve mollusc endemic to New Zealand.
TOHEROA n. (Maori) a kind of New Zealand shellfish.
TORCHONtorchon n. A coarse, loose-textured bobbin lace.
TORCHON n. (French) a duster or dishcloth; coarse lace or paper.
TORGOCHtorgoch n. (Wales) The saibling, a type of fish.
TORGOCH n. (Welsh) a red-bellied form of the char found in certain Welsh lakes, aka saibling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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