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There are 17 seven-letter words containing H, 2O, P and T

HOPTOADHOPTOAD n. a kind of toad.
HOTPOTShotpots n. Plural of hotpot.
hot-pots n. Plural of hot-pot.
hot␣pots n. Plural of hot pot.
HOTSPOThotspot n. Alternative form of hot spot.
hot␣spot n. A location which has a higher temperature or amount of radiation than surrounding areas.
hot␣spot n. (Figuratively) A place notable for a high level of activity or danger.
OOPHYTEoophyte n. (Obsolete, biology) gametophyte.
oöphyte n. Alternative spelling of oophyte.
OOPHYTE n. a stage of development in certain plants.
PHOTINOphotino n. (Physics) The superpartner of the photon.
PHOTINO n. a hypothetical elementary particle.
PHOTOEDphotoed v. Simple past tense and past participle of photo.
PHOTO v. (colloquial) to photograph.
PHOTOGSphotogs n. Plural of photog.
PHOTOG n. (colloquial) one who takes photographs.
PHOTONSphotons n. Plural of photon.
PHOTON n. a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation.
POTHOLEpothole n. A shallow pit or other edged depression in a road’s surface, especially when caused by erosion by weather…
pothole n. A pit formed in the bed of a turbulent stream.
pothole n. (Geology) A vertical cave system, often found in limestone.
POTHOOKpothook n. An S-shaped iron hook used to suspend a cooking pot over a fire.
pothook n. A crooked stroke in writing; a scrawl.
pot-hook n. Alternative spelling of pothook.
POTSHOPpotshop n. Alternative form of pot shop.
pot␣shop n. A shop that sells cannabis.
pot␣shop n. (Archaic) A small public house.
POTSHOTpotshot n. A shot taken at an easy or random target.
potshot n. Criticism of an easy target; a cheap shot.
potshot v. To fire potshots.
SHOPBOTshopbot n. Shopping bot.
SHOPBOT n. a website that offers price comparisons for particular products.
TOYSHOPtoyshop n. A shop that sells toys.
toy␣shop n. Alternative spelling of toyshop.
TOYSHOP n. a shop where toys are sold.
TYPHOONtyphoon n. A weather phenomenon in the northwestern Pacific that is precisely equivalent to a hurricane, which…
typhoon v. (Intransitive) To swirl like a hurricane.
Typhoon n. A Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft.
UPSHOOTupshoot v. (Intransitive) To shoot upward.
upshoot n. (Pathology) An involuntary upward movement of the eye.
UPSHOOT v. to shoot upwards.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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