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There are 18 seven-letter words containing H, N, R, T and U

BURTHENburthen n. (Obsolete or historical, nautical) The tonnage of a ship based on the number of tuns of wine that it…
burthen n. Archaic form of burden.
burthen v. Archaic form of burden.
CHUNTERchunter v. (British, Ireland, dialect) To speak in a soft, indistinct manner, mutter.
chunter v. (British, Ireland, dialect) To grumble, complain.
CHUNTER v. to mutter, grumble, also CHOUNTER, CHUNNER.
COTHURNcothurn n. A buskin anciently worn by tragic actors on the stage.
COTHURN n. a buskin worn by Roman actors.
HAUNTERhaunter n. One who haunts.
HAUNTER n. one who haunts.
HUNTERShunters n. Plural of hunter.
Hunters prop.n. Plural of Hunter.
HUNTER n. one that hunts.
HURTINGhurting v. Present participle of hurt.
hurting n. A sensation that hurts.
HURT v. to cause pain to, injure.
LUTHERNluthern n. (Architecture) A dormer window.
LUTHERN n. a dormer window.
RUNTISHruntish adj. Resembling or characteristic of a runt; weak and stunted; puny.
RUNTISH adj. somewhat runty.
SHUNTERshunter n. (Rail transport, Britain) A railway locomotive used for shunting; a switcher.
shunter n. (Rail transport, Britain) A person who carries out shunting operations.
shunter n. (Finance, UK, historical) One who shunts (carries on arbitrage between London and provincial stock exchanges).
THUNDERthunder n. The loud rumbling, cracking, or crashing sound caused by expansion of rapidly heated air around a lightning bolt.
thunder n. A deep, rumbling noise resembling thunder.
thunder n. An alarming or startling threat or denunciation.
UNEARTHunearth v. To drive or draw from the earth.
unearth v. To uncover or find; to bring out from concealment.
unearth v. To dig up.
UNGIRTHungirth v. To unfasten or remove a girth or belt from.
UNGIRTH v. to free from a girth.
UNHEARTunheart v. (Obsolete, transitive) To cause to lose heart; to dishearten.
UNHEART v. (Shakespeare) to dishearten.
UNHERSTUNHEARSE v. to remove from a hearse.
UNRIGHTunright n. (Archaic) That which is not right; wrong; injustice.
unright v. (Transitive) To make wrong.
unright adv. (Archaic or obsolete) Wrongly.
UNTRUTHuntruth n. A lie or falsehood.
untruth n. The condition of being false; truthlessness.
UNTRUTH n. something that is untrue.
UNWORTHunworth n. Unworthiness; unworthliness; worthlessness.
unworth adj. (Obsolete) unworthy.
unworth adj. (Rare) Not worth; not deserving of.
URETHANurethan n. Alternative form of urethane.
URETHAN n. a crystalline ether, used as an anaesthetic and pesticide, also URETHANE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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