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There are 20 seven-letter words containing H, M, R, S and U

GRUMPHSgrumphs n. Plural of grumph.
grumphs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of grumph.
GRUMPH v. (Scots) to grunt.
HEURISMheurism n. Knowledge derived from empirical study and practical adoption of experience.
HEURISM n. the heuristic method or principle in education.
HUMERUShumerus n. (Anatomy) The bone of the upper arm.
HUMERUS n. (Latin) the large bone of the upper arm.
HUMMERShummers n. Plural of hummer.
Hummers n. Plural of Hummer.
HUMMER n. one who, or that which, hums.
HUMOURShumours n. Plural of humour.
humours v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of humour.
HUMOUR v. to indulge, also HUMOR.
HUMPERShumpers n. Plural of humper.
HUMPER n. someone who carries heavy loads.
MURKISHmurkish adj. Murky; gloomy.
MURKISH adj. somewhat murky.
MURRHASmurrhas n. Plural of murrha.
MURRHA n. (Latin) an ancient Roman substance used to make fine cups and vases, also MURRA.
MURSHIDmurshid n. An Islamic teacher, especially in Sufism.
MURSHID n. in Sufism: a spiritual guide who initiates into a mystical order a postulant wishing to follow the Sufi path to God.
MUSHERSmushers n. Plural of musher.
MUSHER n. a person who travels through snow on foot; a driver of a dog-sledge.
MUSHIERmushier adj. Comparative form of mushy: more mushy.
MUSHY adj. like mush, soft.
MUSHRATmushrat n. (US) muskrat.
MUSHRAT n. a large semiaquatic North American rodent, resembling a beaver, also MUSKRAT, MUSQUASH.
RHAMNUSrhamnus n. (Botany) Any of the plants in the genus Rhamnus; a buckthorn.
Rhamnus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Rhamnaceae – the buckthorns.
RHAMNUS n. (Greek) a thorny tree or shrub.
RHOMBUSrhombus n. (Geometry) A parallelogram having all sides of equal length.
rhombus n. In early Greek religion, an instrument whirled on the end of a string similar to a bullroarer.
rhombus n. (Zoology, now rare) Any of several flatfishes, including the brill and turbot, once considered part…
RHUMBASrhumbas n. Plural of rhumba.
rhumbas v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rhumba.
RHUMBA v. (Spanish) to dance a lively Spanish dance, also RUMBA.
RUMMISHrummish adj. (Dated) Somewhat rum or peculiar; oddish.
RUMMISH v. (Scots) to roar or protest.
SAMBHURsambhur n. Alternative form of sambar.
SAMBHUR n. (Hindi) a large Asian deer, also SAMBAR, SAMBHAR, SAMBUR.
SHIURIMshiurim n. Plural of shiur.
SHIUR n. (Hebrew) a lesson, esp. one in which a passage of the Talmud is studied together by a group of people.
SIMURGHsimurgh n. (Iranian mythology) A gigantic winged benevolent creature.
SIMURGH n. (Persian) a monstrous bird of Persian fable, also SIMORG, SIMURG.
SORGHUMsorghum n. A cereal, Sorghum genus and species, the grains of which are cultivated to make flour and feed cattle…
sorghum n. (Southern US) Sorghum syrup.
Sorghum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Poaceae – the sorghums, including important food crop species.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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