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There are 17 seven-letter words containing H, M, N, O and S

BONHAMSbonhams n. Plural of bonham.
Bonhams prop.n. Plural of Bonham.
BONHAM n. (Irish) a piglet.
GNOMISHgnomish adj. Resembling a gnome; gnomelike.
gnomish adj. (Fantasy) Belonging to a race of gnomes.
gnomish adj. Aphoristic; gnomic.
HANSOMShansoms n. Plural of hansom.
HANSOM n. a light two-wheeled cab.
HOMINESHOMO n. (Latin) man generically.
HOMINGSHOMING n. the way missiles guide themselves to a target.
HOSEMANhoseman n. A firefighter who carries and directs the hose.
HOSEMAN n. a fireman who directs the stream of water.
HOSEMENhosemen n. Plural of hoseman.
HOSEMAN n. a fireman who directs the stream of water.
MONETHSmoneths n. Plural of moneth.
MONETH n. (Spenser) a month.
MONKISHmonkish adj. Pertaining to, or resembling, a monk or monasticism.
monkish adj. Tending to self-denial; ascetic.
MONKISH adj. pertaining to monks.
MOONISHmoonish adj. Like or resembling the moon.
moonish adj. Influenced by the moon.
moonish adj. Variable as the moon; fickle; flighty; capricious.
MOSHINGmoshing v. Present participle of mosh.
MOSHING n. a style of energetic sinuous dancing.
NYMPHOSnymphos n. Plural of nympho.
NYMPHO n. (short for) a nymphomaniac, a woman obsessed by sexual desire.
PHENOMSphenoms n. Plural of phenom.
PHENOM n. a person of extraordinary ability or promise.
SHOPMANshopman n. The proprietor, manager, or operator of a small store.
SHOPMAN n. a man who owns or operates a store.
SHOPMENshopmen n. Plural of shopman.
SHOPMAN n. a man who owns or operates a store.
SHOWMANshowman n. A person who produces or presents shows as a profession, especially the proprietor, manager, or MC of…
showman n. A person skilled in dramatic or entertaining presentation, performance, or publicity.
Showman prop.n. A surname.
SHOWMENshowmen n. Plural of showman.
SHOWMAN n. a theatrical producer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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