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There are 20 seven-letter words containing H, L, O, S and Y

CHYLOUSchylous adj. (Physiology) Consisting of, or similar to, chyle.
CHYLOUS adj. consisting of, or similar to, chyle.
GHOSTLYghostly adj. Of or pertaining to ghosts or spirits.
ghostly adj. Spooky; frightening.
ghostly adj. (Archaic) Relating to the soul; not carnal or secular; spiritual.
HOOLEYShooleys n. Plural of hooley.
Hooleys prop.n. Plural of Hooley.
HOOLEY n. (Irish) a boisterous party, also HOOLIE, HOOLY.
HORSILYhorsily adv. In a horsy manner.
HORSY adv. like a horse, also HORSEY.
HYLOISThyloist n. (Archaic) Alternative form of hylotheist.
HYLOIST n. one who holds the doctrine of hylism, materialism, also HYLICIST, HYLIST.
PHYLLOSphyllos n. Plural of phyllo.
PHYLLO n. (Greek) a kind of very thin pastry dough, also FILLO, FILO.
PHYTOLSphytols n. Plural of phytol.
PHYTOL n. a chemical alcohol that comes from plants and is used to synthesize vitamins E and K.
SHLOCKYshlocky adj. Alternative form of schlocky.
SHLOCKY adj. of poor quality, also SCHLOCKEY, SCHLOCKY.
SHOGGLYshoggly adj. (Obsolete, UK, Scotland, dialect) shaky.
SHOGGLY adj. (Scots) shaky, also SHOOGLY.
SHOOFLYshoofly n. A child’s rocker having a seat supported between two boards cut and painted to resemble animals.
shoofly n. (US, railways) A device for throwing the track temporarily to one side for carrying out repairs, etc.
shoofly n. A police officer assigned to keep tabs on other members of the police.
SHOOGLYshoogly adj. (Scotland) shaky, giddy, unsteady, rickety.
SHOOGLY adj. (Scots) shaky, also SHOGGLY.
SHORTLYshortly adv. In a short or brief time or manner; quickly.
shortly adv. In or after a short time; soon.
shortly adv. In few words.
SHOWILYshowily adv. In a showy manner.
SHOWY adv. making a brilliant display.
SHYLOCKshylock n. (US) A loan shark; a usurer.
shylock n. (Offensive, ethnic slur) A person of Jewish descent.
shylock v. (Intransitive, US) To lend money at exorbitant rates of interest.
SLOUCHYslouchy adj. Given to slouching.
SLOUCHY adj. slouching.
SLOUGHYsloughy adj. Marshy; having the characteristics of a wetland.
sloughy adj. Resembling dead skin.
SLOUGHY adj. full of sloughs, miry.
SOOTHLYsoothly adv. (Archaic) Truly, verily.
SOOTHLY adv. (Spenser) truly, indeed, also SOOTHLICH.
SPYHOLEspyhole n. (UK) Synonym of peephole.
SPYHOLE n. a peephole.
THYLOSETHYLOSE n. an ingrowth from a neighbouring cell through a pit into a vessel, also THYLOSIS, TYLOSIS.
THYMOLSthymols n. Plural of thymol.
THYMOL n. an antiseptic phenol obtained from oil of thyme.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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