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There are 15 seven-letter words containing H, 2L, S and U

BULLISHbullish adj. Having a muscular physique, built ’like a bull’.
bullish adj. Aggressively self-confident or assertive; bullheaded.
bullish adj. Optimistic; overly or foolishly optimistic or hopeful.
DULLISHdullish adj. Somewhat dull; dull to a degree.
DULLISH adj. somewhat dull.
FULLISHfullish adj. Somewhat full; reasonably full, quite full.
FULLISH adj. somewhat full.
GULLISHgullish adj. (Archaic) Foolish, credulous, simple-minded.
GULLISH adj. foolish; stupid.
HULLERShullers n. Plural of huller.
HULLER n. one who, or that which, hulls; esp. an agricultural machine for removing the hulls from grain.
HULLOAShulloas v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hulloa.
HULLOA v. to hallo.
HULLOEShulloes n. Plural of hullo.
HULLOOShulloos n. Plural of hulloo.
hulloos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hulloo.
HULLOO v. to hail, also HALLOA, HALLOO.
MULLAHSmullahs n. Plural of mullah.
MULLAH v. to inflict a severe defeat upon, also MULLER.
NULLAHSnullahs n. Plural of nullah.
NULLAH n. (Hindi) a ravine, a watercourse, also NALA, NALLA, NALLAH, NULLA.
PHALLUSphallus n. A penis, especially when erect.
phallus n. A representation of an erect penis symbolising fertility or potency.
phallus n. (Ornithology) A similar erectile sexual organ present in the cloacas of male ratites.
PLUSHLYplushly adv. In a plush manner.
PLUSH adv. luxurious.
THALLUSthallus n. (Botany) An undifferentiated plant body, such as in algae.
thallus n. (Botany) Any plant body lacking vascular tissue.
THALLUS n. (Greek) a plant body not differentiated into leaf, stem and root.
UNSHELLunshell v. (Transitive) To strip the shell from; to take out of the shell; to hatch.
UNSHELL v. to strip the shell from; to take out of the shell, also UNSHALE.
UPHILLSuphills n. Plural of uphill.
UPHILL n. an upward slope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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