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There are 12 seven-letter words containing H, I, O and 2T

GOTHITEgothite n. Alternative form of goethite.
GOTHITE n. an ore of iron, also GOETHITE.
HOTTIEShotties n. Plural of hottie.
hotties n. Plural of hotty.
Hotties n. Plural of Hottie.
HOTTINGhotting n. (Britain) riding in a high-performance stolen car, especially as a form of display.
hotting v. Present participle of hot.
HOTTING n. attempting stunts in stolen powerful cars.
HOTTISHhottish adj. Somewhat hot.
HOTTISH adj. somewhat hot.
OTOLITHotolith n. (Zoology) A small particle, comprised mainly of calcium carbonate, found in the inner ear of vertebrates…
OTOLITH n. a calcium concretion in the inside of a vertebrate's ear to aid in equilibrium.
OUTHITSouthits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outhit.
OUTHIT v. to surpass in hitting.
OUTWITHoutwith prep. (Now chiefly Scotland) Outside; beyond; outside of.
outwith adv. Outside, outwardly; outwards.
OUTWITH adv. (Scots) outside of.
SOTTISHsottish adj. Alcoholic, drinking heavily.
sottish adj. Drunk.
sottish adj. Foolish, stupid, senseless.
THORITEthorite n. (Mineralogy) A radioactive mineral, composed mostly of thorium silicate (ThSiO4), along with silicates…
THORITE n. a silicate of thorium.
TIMOTHYtimothy n. Phleum pratense, timothy-grass, native to Europe, but introduced widely and naturalized in US.
timothy n. Phleum alpinum, mountain timothy, native to North America.
timothy n. Other species of genus Phleum.
TONIGHTtonight adv. During the night following the current day.
tonight adv. (Obsolete) Last night.
tonight n. The nighttime of the current day or date; this night.
WITHOUTwithout adv. (Archaic or literary) Outside, externally. This is still used in the names of some civil parishes in…
without adv. Lacking something.
without adv. (Euphemistic) In prostitution: without a condom being worn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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