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There are 19 seven-letter words containing H, I, 2O and R

BIOPHORbiophor n. (Obsolete, genetics) A supposed supramolecular unit of heredity.
BIOPHOR n. a hypothetical unit of living matter, also BIOPHORE.
BOORISHboorish adj. Behaving as a boor; rough in manners.
BOORISH adj. rude.
CHORIONchorion n. (Anatomy, biology) The protective and nutritive membrane in higher vertebrates that attaches the fetus to the uterus.
chorion n. (Biology, entomology) The outer case of an insect egg.
chorion n. (Botany) The outer membrane of seeds of plants.
CHORIZOchorizo n. A spicy Spanish sausage flavoured with paprika, often crumbled for use in filling tacos, quesadillas, etc.
CHORIZO n. (Spanish) a highly spiced sausage used in Spanish cooking.
CHOROIDchoroid adj. (Anatomy) Resembling the chorion, particularly in containing many blood vessels.
choroid n. (Anatomy) The pigmented vascular layer of the eyeball between the retina and the sclera.
CHOROID n. the dark brown vascular coat of the eye, also CHOREOID, CHORIOID.
HOODIERhoodier adj. Comparative form of hoody: more hoody.
HOODY adj. resembling a hoodlum.
HOOKIERhookier adj. Comparative form of hooky: more hooky.
HOOKY adj. full of hooks.
HOOLIERHOOLY adj. soft and careful.
HOOTIERhootier adj. Comparative form of hooty: more hooty.
HOOTY adj. sounding like the cry of an owl.
HORIZONhorizon n. The visible horizontal line (in all directions) where the sky appears to meet the earth in the distance.
horizon n. (Figuratively) The range or limit of one’s knowledge, experience or interest; a boundary or threshold.
horizon n. The range or limit of any dimension in which one exists.
HORNITOhornito n. (Geology) A low, oven-shaped mound, common in volcanic regions, emitting smoke and vapours from its sides and summit.
HORNITO n. (Spanish) a mound of volcanic matter.
ISOCHORisochor n. Alternative spelling of isochore.
ISOCHOR n. a curve showing pressure and temperature, also ISOCHORE.
MOORISHmoorish adj. (Now rare) Of ground, soil etc: boggy, marshy.
moorish adj. Resembling or characteristic of a moor; abounding in moorland.
Moorish adj. Of or pertaining to the Moors or their culture.
OCHROIDochroid adj. Resembling or containing ochre.
ORIHOUSORIHOU n. (Maori) a small New Zealand tree.
POCHOIRpochoir n. A technique in visual art consisting of applying various stencils (perforated templates).
POCHOIR n. (French) a manual colour stencilling onto a printed illustration.
POORISHpoorish adj. Reasonably poor, quite poor.
POORISH adj. somewhat poor.
RHOMBOIrhomboi n. Plural of rhombos.
RHOMBOS n. (Greek) a bullroarer, a kind of rattle.
ROOKISHrookish adj. Resembling or characteristic of a rook (bird).
ROOKISH adj. like a rook.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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