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There are 15 seven-letter words containing H, I, M, O and P

BIMORPHbimorph n. A cantilever that consists of two active layers: piezoelectric and metal.
BIMORPH n. a device consisting of two crystals cemented together.
DIMORPHdimorph n. Either of a pair of dimorphous substances.
DIMORPH n. either one of the two forms of a dimorphous substance.
DISHMOPdishmop n. A small mop used for washing dishes.
DISHMOP n. a mop for cleaning dishes.
HEMIPODHEMIPOD n. the button quail, also HEMIPODE.
LOMPISHlompish adj. Obsolete form of lumpish.
LOMPISH adj. (Spenser) lumpish.
MORPHIAmorphia n. Synonym of morphine.
-morphia suff. Used to create taxonomic names of animals at the level of infraclass.
MORPHIA n. a painkilling drug, derived from opium.
MORPHICmorphic adj. (Rare) Of or pertaining to shape or form; morphological.
morphic adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to morphs.
-morphic suff. Having a specific shape or form.
MORPHINmorphin n. Obsolete form of morphine.
MORPHIN n. the principal alkaloid in opium, also MORPHINE.
OMPHALIomphali n. Plural of omphalus.
OMPHALOS n. (Greek) a central point, a navel.
ORPHISMOrphism prop.n. (Religion, Ancient Greece) A religious movement in antiquity, supposed to have been founded by Orpheus.
Orphism prop.n. (Art) A minor Cubist art movement focusing on pure abstraction and bright colours.
ORPHISM n. a style of abstract art.
PHLOMISphlomis n. (Botany) Any of the genus Phlomis of herbaceous plants.
Phlomis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lamiaceae – many called Jerusalem sage or sage.
PHLOMIS n. (Greek) any plant of the Phlomis genus of labiate herbs.
PHOBISMphobism n. (Chiefly dated) phobia.
PHOBISM n. an obsessive or irrational fear, also PHOBIA.
PHOTISMphotism n. (Psychology) A luminous appearance, image or subjective perception of a hallucinatory nature.
photism n. The color that a synesthete may report seeing in association with a particular letter or number.
PHOTISM n. a hallucinatory sensation of light; a visual synaesthesia.
ROMPISHrompish adj. Given to boisterous play; inclined to romp.
ROMPISH adj. inclined to romp.
SOPHISMsophism n. (Uncountable, historical) The school of the sophists in antiquity; their beliefs and method of teaching…
sophism n. (Countable) A flawed argument, superficially correct in its reasoning, usually designed to deceive.
sophism n. (Countable) An intentional fallacy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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