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There are 16 seven-letter words containing H, I, K, N and O

CHINOOKchinook n. (Canada, US, physics, meteorology) The descending, warm, dry wind on the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains…
chinook n. The chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha).
Chinook prop.n. A Native American language of the Penutian family of Oregon and Washington.
CHOKINGchoking n. The process in which a person’s airway becomes blocked, resulting in asphyxia in cases that are not…
choking n. The act of coughing when a person finds it difficult to breath.
choking n. The act of trying to kill a person by strangulation.
HOCKINGhocking v. Present participle of hock.
Hocking prop.n. A surname.
Hocking prop.n. A river, the Hocking River in Ohio, United States, a tributary of the Ohio River.
HOIKINGhoiking v. Present participle of hoik.
HOIK v. to hitch up, also HOICK.
HOKONUIHOKONUI n. (Maori) illicit whiskey.
HOLKINGholking v. Present participle of holk.
HOLK v. (Scots) to dig, burrow, also HOWK.
HONKINGhonking v. Present participle of honk.
honking n. A sound that honks.
honking adj. (Informal) Having a bad smell.
HOOKINGhooking v. Present participle of hook.
hooking n. The act of catching or fastening something on a hook.
hooking n. (Ice hockey, bandy, floorball) The penalized action of using one’s stick to restrain an opponent.
HORKINGhorking v. Present participle of hork.
HORK v. to spit.
HOTLINKhotlink n. (Internet) A direct embedding of, or a hyperlink to, a resource on another server, particularly images or video.
hot␣link n. (AAVE) A spicy, heavily-peppered sausage.
HOTLINK n. an area on a website connecting to another site.
HOWKINGHOWK v. (Scots) to dig, burrow, also HOLK.
INKHORNinkhorn n. (Archaic) A small portable container, often made of horn, used to carry ink.
inkhorn n. (Used attributively, derogatory, of vocabulary) Pedantic, obscurely scholarly.
INKHORN n. a small container for ink.
INKHOSIinkhosi n. Alternative spelling of inkosi.
INKHOSI n. a traditional leader of a Zulu clan, also INKOSI.
KOHANIMkohanim n. Plural of kohen.
KOHEN n. a member of the Jewish priestly class, descended from Aaron, having certain privileges and obligations in the synagogue, also COHEN.
MONKISHmonkish adj. Pertaining to, or resembling, a monk or monasticism.
monkish adj. Tending to self-denial; ascetic.
MONKISH adj. pertaining to monks.
WONKISHwonkish adj. (Informal) Nerdy; bookish; having the qualities of a wonk.
WONKISH adj. like a wonk, an overly zealous student.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 51 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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