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There are 18 seven-letter words containing H, 2I and 2N

CHININGchining v. Present participle of chine.
Chi-ning prop.n. Alternative form of Jining.
CHINE v. to break the back of.
HAININGhaining v. Present participle of hain.
haining n. (Obsolete or dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) A hain or enclosure.
HAINING n. an enclosure.
HINGINGhinging v. Present participle of hinge.
HINGE v. to attach a jointed device.
HINNIEDhinnied v. Simple past tense and past participle of hinny.
HINNY v. to neigh, whinny, also HINNIE.
HINNIEShinnies n. Plural of hinny.
hinnies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hinny.
HINNY v. to neigh, whinny, also HINNIE.
HINTINGhinting n. The act of giving a hint or suggestion.
hinting n. (Typography) The process of adding hints to a computer-based font in order to align the glyphs to a…
hinting v. Present participle of hint.
HOMININhominin n. (Paleontology) Any member of the taxonomic tribe Hominini, the evolutionary group that includes modern…
HOMININ n. any member of the taxonomic tribe Hominini, usually taken to comprise humans and their direct ancestors, but sometimes taken also to include chimpanzees.
INCHINGinching v. Present participle of inch.
inching n. Very gradual movement.
INCH v. to move very slowly.
INCHPININCHPIN n. (obsolete) the sweetbread of a deer.
INHIBINinhibin n. (Biochemistry) A peptide hormone, secreted by the gonads, which inhibits the secretion of follicle-stimulating…
INHIBIN n. a human sex hormone.
KINCHINkinchin n. (Obsolete, UK, thieves’ cant) A child.
KINCHIN n. in thieves's slang, a child.
NICHINGniching v. Present participle of niche.
NICHE v. to place in a hollow.
NIGHINGnighing v. Present participle of nigh.
NIGH v. to draw near to, also NIE, NY, NYE.
NITHINGnithing n. (Archaic) A coward, a dastard; a wretch.
nithing n. (Archaic) A wicked person; also, one who has acted immorally or unlawfully.
nithing adj. (Archaic) Cowardly, dastardly.
SHININGshining adj. Emitting light.
shining adj. Reflecting light.
shining adj. Having a high polish or sheen.
SHINKINSHINKIN n. (Welsh) a worthless person.
THIONINthionin n. Alternative form of thionine.
thionin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a class of cytotoxic polypeptides found in some plants.
THIONIN n. a violet dye, also THIONINE.
WHININGwhining v. Present participle of whine.
whining n. Gerund of whine.
WHINING adj. complaining.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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