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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing H, L, P, T and Z

CEPHALIZATIONScephalizations n. Plural of cephalization.
CEPHALIZATION n. the gradually increasing concentration of brain in evolution, also CEPHALISATION.
CHAPTALIZATIONchaptalization n. The addition of sugar to grape juice in the fermentation of wine. Usually done if the grapes are thought…
CHAPTALIZATION n. the process of chaptalizing, also CHAPTALISATION.
EPITHELIALIZEDepithelialized v. Simple past tense and past participle of epithelialize.
EPITHELIALIZE v. to make epithelial, also EPITHELIALISE.
EPITHELIALIZESepithelializes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of epithelialize.
EPITHELIALIZE v. to make epithelial, also EPITHELIALISE.
EPITHELIZATIONepithelization n. Alternative form of epithelialization.
EPITHELIZATION n. the act of epithelizing, also EPITHELISATION.
LYOPHILIZATIONlyophilization n. Freeze-drying; the removal of moisture from a frozen material using vacuum.
PHENYLBUTAZONEphenylbutazone n. (Pharmacology) An anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug used to treat arthritis and gout.
PHENYLBUTAZONE n. a drug formerly used as an analgesic, but now largely restricted to veterinary use.
PHLEBOTOMIZINGphlebotomizing v. Present participle of phlebotomize.
PHLEBOTOMIZE v. to perform phlebotomy on, also PHLEBOTOMISE.
REHOSPITALIZEDrehospitalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of rehospitalize.
REHOSPITALIZE v. to hospitalize again, also REHOSPITALISE.
REHOSPITALIZESrehospitalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rehospitalize.
REHOSPITALIZE v. to hospitalize again, also REHOSPITALISE.
SULPHATHIAZOLEsulphathiazole n. Alternative spelling of sulfathiazole.
SULPHATHIAZOLE n. a sulphonamide formerly used in human medicine against staphylococcal infection (now only used in veterinary medicine), also SULFATHIAZOLE.
SULPHURIZATIONsulphurization n. Alternative form of sulfurization.
SULPHURIZATION n. the process of sulphurizing, also SULPHURISATION.
SYPHILIZATIONSsyphilizations n. Plural of syphilization.
SYPHILIZATION n. the process of syphilizing, also SYPHILISATION.
ZOOPATHOLOGIESZOOPATHOLOGY n. the study of animal diseases.
ZOOPHYTOLOGIESZOOPHYTOLOGY n. the study of zoophytes, plantlike animals.
ZOOPHYTOLOGISTzoophytologist n. One who studies zoophytology.
ZOOPHYTOLOGIST n. one who studies zoophytes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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