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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing H, L, 2P and U

BULLWHIPPEDbullwhipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of bullwhip.
BULLWHIP v. to strike with a long whip.
EPIPHYLLOUSepiphyllous adj. (Botany) Growing upon, or inserted into, the leaf.
EPIPHYLLOUS adj. borne on the leaves or leaflike organs.
PERSULPHATEpersulphate n. Alternative spelling of persulfate.
PERSULPHATE n. that sulphate of a metal which contains the relatively greater quantity of oxygen or of the acid radical, also PERSULFATE.
PODOPHYLLUMpodophyllum n. (Botany) Any of the genus Podophyllum of herbaceous perennial plants in the family Berberidaceae, with…
podophyllum n. The rhizome and rootlet of the May apple (Podophyllum peltatum), used as a cathartic drug.
Podophyllum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Berberidaceae – American mandrake.
POLYPHAGOUSpolyphagous adj. Eating many types of food.
polyphagous adj. (Of an herbivorous insect) Having many host plants.
POLYPHAGOUS adj. eating many types of food.
POLYPHONOUSpolyphonous adj. Polyphonic.
POLYPHONOUS adj. relating to polyphony, also POLYPHONIC.
PUMPHANDLEDSorry, definition not available.
PUMPHANDLESSorry, definition not available.
PURPLEHEARTpurpleheart n. A large tropical tree, of the genus Peltogyne, native to parts of South America and the West Indies.
purpleheart n. The purplish heartwood of this tree, used to make furniture.
purple␣heart n. The drug phenobarbitone when taken recreationally.
SUPERPHYLUMsuperphylum n. (Taxonomy) A taxonomic category above phylum and below subkingdom.
SUPERPHYLUM n. a taxonomical division above phylum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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