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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 2H, L, M and R

CHROMOPHILSchromophils n. Plural of chromophil.
CHROMOPHIL n. a cell that takes a stain easily, also CHROMOPHILIC.
CHURCHMANLYchurchmanly adj. Befitting a churchman.
CHURCHMANLY adj. in the manner of a churchman.
DHARMSHALASdharmshalas n. Plural of dharmshala.
DHARMSHALA n. (Hindi) a building having a religious or charitable purpose, a free or cheap lodging for travellers, also DHARMSALA.
HALOMORPHIChalomorphic adj. Of soil: containing enough salt to affect plant growth.
HALOMORPHIC adj. developed in the presence of neutral or alkali salts or both.
HAMMERCLOTHhammercloth n. (Dated) The cloth that covers a coachbox.
hammer-cloth n. Alternative form of hammercloth.
HAMMERCLOTH n. a cloth covering a coach box.
HELICHRYSUMhelichrysum n. Any of the genus Helichrysum of plants related to the sunflower.
HELICHRYSUM n. a genus of composite plants, the flowers of which keep their colour and shape when dried.
HELIOCHROMEheliochrome n. (Obsolete) A photograph representing an object in its natural colours.
HELIOCHROME n. (tradename) a photograph in natural colours.
HELIOCHROMYheliochromy n. (Dated) The art of producing colour photographs.
HELIOCHROMY n. photography in natural colours.
HOLOHEDRISMholohedrism n. The property of being holohedral.
HOLOHEDRISM n. the property of having the full number of symmetrically arranged planes crystallographically possible.
HOLOMORPHICholomorphic adj. (Complex analysis, of a complex function) Complex-differentiable on an open set around every point in its domain.
holomorphic adj. Having holohedral symmetry.
HOLOMORPHIC adj. of a function of a complex variable, having a derivative at each point of its domain.
HOMOTHERMALhomothermal adj. Synonym of homothermic.
HYLOMORPHIChylomorphic adj. Pertaining to hylomorphism.
HYLOMORPHIC adj. relating to a materialist conception of universe.
HYPOTHERMALhypothermal adj. Involving extremely low temperatures.
hypothermal adj. (Geology) Formed or deposited under hypothermal conditions.
HYPOTHERMAL adj. of or relating to a hydrothermal metalliferous ore vein deposited at high temperature.
LITHOCHROMYLITHOCHROMY n. painting upon stone.
MARSHALSHIPmarshalship n. The position or role of a marshal.
MARSHALSHIP n. the office of marshal.
POLYRHYTHMSpolyrhythms n. Plural of polyrhythm.
poly-rhythms n. Plural of poly-rhythm.
POLYRHYTHM n. the simultaneous combination of different rhythms in a piece of music.
THERMOPHILEthermophile n. (Biology) An organism that lives and thrives at relatively high temperatures; a form of extremophile;…
THERMOPHILE adj. requiring, or thriving best in, high temperatures.
THERMOPHILE n. a bacteria, plant etc. requiring or thriving in high temperatures, also THERMOPHIL, THERMOPHILIC, THERMOPHILOUS.
THERMOPHILSTHERMOPHIL n. a bacteria, plant etc. requiring or thriving in high temperatures, also THERMOPHILE, THERMOPHILIC, THERMOPHILOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 77 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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