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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing H, 2O, S and X

ALDOHEXOSEaldohexose n. (Biochemistry) Any hexose containing an aldehyde group.
ALDOHEXOSE n. a class of sugars, including glucose.
AUXOTROPHSauxotrophs n. Plural of auxotroph.
AUXOTROPH n. an auxotrophic strain or individual, i.e. one requiring a specific growth substance beyond the minimum required for normal metabolism.
EXOPHAGOUSexophagous adj. Exhibiting or relating to exophagy.
EXOPHAGOUS adj. relating to exophagy, cannibalism outside one's own group.
HEMOTOXINShemotoxins n. Plural of hemotoxin.
HEMOTOXIN n. a substance that destroys red blood cells.
HOMEOBOXEShomeoboxes n. Plural of homeobox.
HOMEOBOX n. a short DNA sequence, also HOMOEOBOX.
HOMOSEXUALhomosexual adj. (Of a person or animal, formal, distancing or dated) Sexually and/or romantically attracted to members…
homosexual adj. (Of a romantic or sexual act or relationship, formal, distancing or dated) Between two people of the same sex; gay.
homosexual adj. (Dated) Intended for or used by homosexuals, as a nightclub, a bar, etc.
HORSEBOXEShorseboxes n. Plural of horsebox.
horse␣boxes n. Plural of horse box.
HORSEBOX n. a float for carrying a horse.
HORSEPOXESHORSEPOX n. a skin disease of horses.
MESOTHORAXmesothorax n. (Entomology) The middle of the three segments of the thorax of an insect, carrying the second pair of…
MESOTHORAX n. the middle segment of the thorax in insects.
ORTHODOXESOrthodoxes n. Plural of Orthodox.
ORTHODOX n. an orthodox person.
PHOTOTAXESphototaxes n. Plural of phototaxis.
PHOTOTAXIS n. growth or movement determined by light.
PHOTOTAXISphototaxis n. (Biology) The movement of an organism either towards or away from a source of light.
PHOTOTAXIS n. growth or movement determined by light.
SAXOPHONESsaxophones n. Plural of saxophone.
SAXOPHONE n. a jazz and dance band instrument with a reed, an S-shaped (properly metal) tube, and about twenty finger-keys.
SAXOPHONICsaxophonic adj. Of or pertaining to the saxophone.
SAXOPHONIC adj. of or like a saxophone.
XENOPHOBESxenophobes n. Plural of xenophobe.
XENOPHOBE n. one who hates foreigners.
XEROMORPHSxeromorphs n. Plural of xeromorph.
XEROMORPH n. a plant thriving in desert conditions, a xerophyte.
XYLOPHONESxylophones n. Plural of xylophone.
xylophones v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of xylophone.
XYLOPHONE n. a musical percussion instrument consisting of a graduated series of wooden bars, usually played by striking with two small round-ended hammers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 83 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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