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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing H, I, K, O and Y

BLOCKISHLYBLOCKISH adv. block shaped.
COCKNEYISHCockneyish adj. Characteristic of, or resembling, Cockneys.
COCKNEYISH adj. characteristic of, or resembling, cockneys.
DOOHICKEYSdoohickeys n. Plural of doohickey.
doo-hickeys n. Plural of doo-hickey.
DOOHICKEY n. a doodad, a thingy.
HOKYPOKIESHOKYPOKY n. hocus-pocus; a kind of ice-cream sold on the streets, also HOKEYPOKEY.
HORNYWINKShornywinks n. Plural of hornywink.
HORNYWINK n. (dialect) a lapwing.
HYGRODEIKShygrodeiks n. Plural of hygrodeik.
HYGRODEIK n. a form of hygrometer having wet and dry bulb thermometers.
JOCKEYSHIPjockeyship n. The art, character, or position, of a jockey; the personality of a jockey.
JOCKEYSHIP n. the art or practice of a jockey.
LYMPHOKINElymphokine n. (Biochemistry) Any of a group of cytokines produced by lymphocytes.
LYMPHOKINE n. any of various substances secreted by T cells.
MATRYOSHKImatryoshki n. Plural of matryoshka.
MATRYOSHKA n. (Russian) a hollow wooden doll, also MATRIOSHKA, MATROYSHKA.
POKERISHLYpokerishly adv. In a pokerish manner.
POKERISH adv. (US colloquial) mysterious and frightening; ghostly, uncanny.
SHOCKINGLYshockingly adv. In a shocking manner.
shockingly adv. To a shocking degree.
SHOCKING adv. SHOCK, to outrage feelings.
SHYLOCKINGshylocking v. Present participle of shylock.
SHYLOCK v. to lend money at high interest rates.
STOCKISHLYstockishly adv. Stupidly.
stockishly adv. Motionless; stock still.
STOCKISH adv. like a stock; stupid.
THYLAKOIDSthylakoids n. Plural of thylakoid.
THYLAKOID n. any of a membranous disk of lamellae within plant chloroplasts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 72 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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