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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing H, N, O and X

BOXTHORNboxthorn n. Any plant of the genus Lycium.
BOXTHORN n. a thorny shrub with red berries.
CHRONAXYchronaxy n. Alternative form of chronaxie.
CHRONAXY n. a time constant in the excitation of a nerve or muscle, also CHRONAXIE.
FOXHOUNDfoxhound n. A dog of a medium-sized breed developed for hunting.
Foxhound n. (NATO reporting name) The Soviet MiG 31 aircraft.
FOXHOUND n. a hunting dog.
FOXHUNTSfoxhunts n. Plural of foxhunt.
foxhunts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of foxhunt.
fox␣hunts n. Plural of fox hunt.
HEXAGONShexagons n. Plural of hexagon.
HEXAGON n. a polygon having six sides.
HEXANOIChexanoic adj. Of or pertaining to hexanoic acid or its derivatives; caproic.
HEXANOIC adj. as in hexanoic acid, a component of palm oil.
HEXOSANShexosans n. Plural of hexosan.
HEXOSAN n. a polysaccharide that yields hexose on hydrolysis.
LUNCHBOXlunchbox n. A container for transporting meals, especially lunch.
lunchbox n. (Slang, UK) The male genitals when enclosed in clothing.
lunchbox n. (Asia) A lunch packaged in a disposable box to be taken away to eat.
PHORMINXphorminx n. A kind of lyre used by the Ancient Greeks.
PHORMINX n. (Greek) a kind of lyre used by the Greeks.
SAXHORNSsaxhorns n. Plural of saxhorn.
SAXHORN n. a brass wind instrument.
THYROXINthyroxin n. Alternative spelling of thyroxine.
THYROXIN n. an iodine compound, a hormone forming the active principle of the thyroid gland, also THYROXINE.
XANTHOMAxanthoma n. (Medicine) A small, yellow nodule, rich in cholesterol and other lipids, that occurs in the skin, often near a joint.
XANTHOMA n. a skin disease marked by the development of irregular yellowish patches upon the skin, esp. upon the eyelids.
XANTHONExanthone n. (Organic chemistry) An aromatic ketone, 9-oxo-xanthene, that is used as an insecticide.
XANTHONE n. a ketone analogue of xanthene which forms the basis of various natural pigments.
XANTHOUSxanthous adj. Yellow-brown; yolk-colored.
xanthous adj. (Archaic, ethnology) Pertaining to people with yellowish, red, auburn, or brown hair.
XANTHOUS adj. yellow- or red-haired; yellow-skinned.
XENOLITHxenolith n. (Geology) any piece of rock having a different origin to that of the igneous rock in which it is found.
XENOLITH n. (Greek) a rock fragment foreign to the igneous mass in which it occurs.
XENOPHYAxenophya n. (Biology) foreign particles found within an organism, such as sand grains.
XENOPHYA n. (Greek) elements of a shell or skeleton not secreted by the organism itself.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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