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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing H, M, O and Z

CHROMIZEchromize v. (Transitive) To chrome; to treat with chromium.
CHROMIZE v. to chrome, also CHROMISE.
HEMOLYZEhemolyze v. To subject to hemolysis.
HEMOLYZE v. to break down red blood cells, also HAEMOLYSE, HAEMOLYZE, HEMOLYSE.
HOMINIZEhominize v. (Transitive) To make human, or treat as if human.
HOMINIZE v. to alter the environment to conform with evolving man, also HOMINISE.
MACHZORSmachzors n. Plural of machzor.
MACHZOR n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer book, also MAHZOR.
MAHZORIMmahzorim n. Plural of mahzor.
MAHZOR n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer book, also MACHZOR.
MEZUZOTHmezuzoth n. Plural of mezuzah.
MEZUZAH n. (Hebrew) a small rolled parchment affixed to the doorposts in Jewish houses, in fulfilment of the Torah's command to inscribe God's words upon the doorposts of one's house, also MEZUZA.
MITZVOTHmitzvoth n. Plural of mitzvah.
MITZVAH n. (Hebrew) a commandment of Jewish law, also MITSVAH.
RHIZOMESrhizomes n. Plural of rhizome.
RHIZOME n. (Greek) a rootlike, underground stem, also RHIZOMA.
RHIZOMICrhizomic adj. Relating to a rhizome.
RHIZOMIC adj. relating to a rhizome, a horizontal underground stem.
SCHMOOZEschmooze v. To talk casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.
schmooze n. A casual conversation, especially one held in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.
SCHMOOZE v. (Yiddish) to chat in a friendly way, also SCHMOOS, SCHMOOSE, SCHMOOZ, SHMOOSE, SHMOOZE.
SCHMOOZYschmoozy adj. Tending to schmooze; sucking up for the sake of social advancement.
SCHMOOZY adj. (Yiddish) gossipy, also SHMOOZY.
SHMOOZEDshmoozed v. Simple past tense and past participle of shmooze.
SHMOOZERSHMOOZER n. one who shmoozes, also SCHMOOZER.
SHMOOZESshmoozes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shmooze.
ZOOMORPHzoomorph n. A figure in ancient art resembling an animal.
ZOOMORPH n. (Greek) a God symbol with an animal form.
ZOOTHOMEzoothome n. (Zoology, archaic) A number of coral polyps on a branch of coral.
zoöthome n. Alternative form of zoothome.
ZOOTHOME n. a group of zooids, such as a mass of coral.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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