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There are 14 eight-letter words containing H, 2M and T

BATHMISMbathmism n. (Obsolete) A supposed "growth force" in vitalism.
BATHMISM n. a theory of directed evolution.
HAMMIESThammiest adj. Superlative form of hammy: most hammy.
HAMMY adj. overacted.
HEMATOMAhematoma n. (Pathology) A swelling of blood, usually clotted, which forms as a result of broken blood vessels.
HEMATOMA n. swelling filled with blood.
HUMSTRUMhumstrum n. An instrument out of tune or rudely constructed.
humstrum n. A hurdy-gurdy.
humstrum n. (Uncountable) Music badly played.
MAHATMASmahatmas n. Plural of mahatma.
MAHATMA n. (Sanskrit) a religious adept, a sage.
MAMMOTHSmammoths n. Plural of mammoth.
MAMMOTH n. (Russian) an extinct elephant.
MIDMONTHmidmonth adj. Occurring in the middle of a month, neither at the beginning nor the end.
midmonth n. A point in the middle of a month.
MIDMONTH n. halfway through the month.
MISMATCHmismatch v. To match unsuitably; to fail to match.
mismatch n. Something that does not match; something dissimilar, inappropriate or unsuitable.
MISMATCH v. to match badly.
MYTHISMSmythisms n. Plural of mythism.
MYTHISM n. a theory that explains miraculous stories as myths, also MYTHICISM.
OHMMETERohmmeter n. (Physics) A portable device for measuring relatively small values of electrical resistance.
OHMMETER n. an instrument for measuring ohmage.
SHTUMMERSHTUMM adj. (Yiddish) silent, dumb, quiet, also SCHTOOM, SCHTUM, SHTOOM, SHTUM, STUMM.
THRUMMEDthrummed v. Simple past tense and past participle of thrum.
thrummed adj. (Textiles) Made with thrums (leftover warp thread) woven into the fabric.
THRUM v. to play a stringed instrument monotonously.
THRUMMERthrummer n. One who thrums.
thrummer n. (Obsolete, slang) A threepenny bit.
THRUMMER n. one that thrums, strums rhythmically and monotonously.
THYMOMASthymomas n. Plural of thymoma.
THYMOMA n. a tumour arising from thymus tissue.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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