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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing H, L, O and X

BOXHAULSboxhauls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of boxhaul.
BOXHAUL v. to put (a vessel) on the other tack by veering her short round on her heel.
ETHOXYLSethoxyls n. Plural of ethoxyl.
ETHOXYL n. a univalent chemical radical, also ETHOXY.
FOXHOLESfoxholes n. Plural of foxhole.
foxholes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of foxhole.
fox␣holes n. Plural of fox hole.
HEXAFOILhexafoil n. A design with six round semicircular petals stemming from a central circle.
HEXAFOIL n. a pattern with six leaflike lobes.
HEXAGLOThexaglot adj. (Rare) In six languages.
HEXAGLOT n. a book written in six languages.
HYDROXYLhydroxyl n. (Chemistry) A univalent radical or functional group (–OH) in organic chemistry; present in alcohols…
HYDROXYL n. the group containing oxygen and hydrogen.
LUNCHBOXlunchbox n. A container for transporting meals, especially lunch.
lunchbox n. (Slang, UK) The male genitals when enclosed in clothing.
lunchbox n. (Asia) A lunch packaged in a disposable box to be taken away to eat.
METHOXYLmethoxyl n. (Organic chemistry) A univalent radical, CH3O-, derived from methanol.
METHOXYL n. a compound containing a certain chemical group, also METHOXY.
OXYPHILEOXYPHILE n. an organism that thrives on an acid environment, also OXYPHIL.
OXYPHILSOXYPHIL n. an organism that thrives on an acid environment, also OXYPHILE.
WAXCLOTHwaxcloth n. Oilcloth.
WAXCLOTH n. oilcloth, linoleum.
XENOLITHxenolith n. (Geology) any piece of rock having a different origin to that of the igneous rock in which it is found.
XENOLITH n. (Greek) a rock fragment foreign to the igneous mass in which it occurs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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