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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing H, I and 2Z

CHIZZINGCHIZZ v. to swindle, also CHIZ.
HAZZANIMhazzanim n. Plural of hazzan.
HAZZAN n. (Hebrew) a cantor in a synagogue, also CHAZAN, CHAZZAN, CHAZZEN, HAZAN, KHAZEN.
HIZZONERhizzoner n. (Informal, often humorous) Any mayor.
Hizzoner prop.n. (Slang, US) Eye dialect spelling of His Honor, the mayor, especially of a large city.
HIZZONER n. his honour, used as a title for a mayor.
HUZZAINGhuzzaing v. Present participle of huzza.
HUZZA v. to cheer.
SHIZZLESSHIZZLE n. a form of slang popularized by US rap musicians in which the trailing syllables of certain words are replaced by the suffix -izzle.
TZITZITHtzitzith n. Plural of tzitzit.
TZITZITH n. (Hebrew) the tassels on the four corners of a Jewish prayer shawl, also TSITSITH, TZITZIS, TZITZIT, ZIZIT, ZIZITH.
WHIZZERSwhizzers n. Plural of whizzer.
WHIZZER n. (slang) a pickpocket.
WHIZZIERwhizzier adj. Comparative form of whizzy: more whizzy.
WHIZZY adj. using sophisticated technology to achieve vivid effects, also WHIZZO.
WHIZZINGwhizzing v. Present participle of whiz.
whizzing v. Present participle of whizz.
whizzing n. The sound or action of something that whizzes.
ZIZYPHUSZizyphus prop.n. Dated form of Ziziphus.
ZIZYPHUS n. (Latin) a shrub or tree of the buckthorn family, aka the jujube tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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