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There are 11 seven-letter words containing H, P and 2R

CHIRPERchirper n. A thing or animal that makes a chirping sound.
chirper n. (Canada, slang, mildly derogatory) A person who speaks with a distinct English or Welsh accent.
chirper n. (Obsolete, slang) A chirping cup; an alcoholic drink.
CHIRRUPchirrup v. (Intransitive) To make a series of chirps, clicks, or clucks.
chirrup v. (Transitive) To express by chirping.
chirrup v. (Transitive) To quicken or animate by chirping.
HARPERSharpers n. Plural of harper.
HARPER n. one who plays the harp, also HARPIST.
HYPERERHYPER adj. excitable.
ORPHREYorphrey n. (Obsolete) Any elaborate embroidery, especially when made of gold thread; an object (such as clothing…
orphrey n. (Christianity) An embroidered ornamental band or border on an ecclesiastical vestment, altar frontal, etc.
ORPHREY n. gold or other rich embroidery on clerical robes, also ORFRAY.
PERCHERpercher n. One who fishes for perch.
percher n. One that perches.
percher n. A bird that is perching or that regularly perches.
PHARMERpharmer n. (Internet) One who engages in pharming (fraudulent redirection of Internet traffic).
PHARMER n. one who participates in pharming.
PHRASERphraser n. (Rare) One who phrases something.
PHRASER n. a repeater of empty phrases.
PHRATRYphratry n. (Ancient Greece) A clan or kinship group consisting of a number of families claiming descent from a…
phratry n. (Anthropology, dated) A former kinship division consisting of two or more distinct clans with separate…
PHRATRY n. (Greek) a tribal unit among primitive peoples.
PYRRHICpyrrhic adj. (Prosody) Of or characterized by pyrrhics (metrical feet with two short syllables).
pyrrhic adj. Relating to Pyrrhus, a Macedonian king, or some of his costly victories he had while fighting Rome.
pyrrhic adj. Alternative letter-case form of Pyrrhic (“achieved at too great a cost”).
SHARPERsharper adj. Comparative form of sharp: more sharp.
sharper n. (Dated) a swindler; a cheat; a professional gambler who makes his living by cheating.
Sharper prop.n. A surname.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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