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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 19 seven-letter words containing H, N, T and W

BOWHUNTBOWHUNT v. to hunt with a bow and arrow.
TANIWHAtaniwha n. (New Zealand) A spirit or monster in Maori mythology, especially one that dwells in the water.
taniwha n. (New Zealand) A person who embodies the spirit of a taniwha.
TANIWHA n. (Maori) a mythical monster, that lives in very deep water.
THAWINGthawing v. Present participle of thaw.
thawing n. The process by which something thaws.
THAWING n. the act of melting.
TOWNISHtownish adj. (Often in combination) Characteristic of a (certain type of) town.
townish adj. (Obsolete) Pertaining to or inhabiting a town, urban.
TOWNISH adj. characteristic of a town.
UNTHAWSunthaws v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unthaw.
UNTHAW v. to cause to melt.
UNWHIPTunwhipt adj. Archaic spelling of unwhipped.
UNWHIPT adj. (obsolete) not whipped, also UNWHIPPED.
UNWHITEunwhite adj. (Uncommon) Not white.
unwhite n. (Nonstandard, very rare) Synonym of nonwhite.
UNWHITE adj. not white.
UNWITCHunwitch v. (Transitive) To free from a witch or witchcraft.
UNWITCH v. to free from witchcraft.
UNWORTHunworth n. Unworthiness; unworthliness; worthlessness.
unworth adj. (Obsolete) unworthy.
unworth adj. (Rare) Not worth; not deserving of.
WHATNOTwhatnot n. (Countable) A small unspecified object; bric-a-brac (in plural).
whatnot n. (Uncountable) Other related objects or ideas.
whatnot n. A freestanding set of shelves on which ornaments are displayed; an etagere.
WHATTENwhatten pron. (Northern England, Scotland, Ireland, dialect, archaic) What.
WHATTEN adj. (dialect) what kind of, also WHATEN, WHATNA.
WHEATENwheaten adj. Of, pertaining to, or made from wheat.
wheaten adj. Of a pale yellow-beige colour, like that of wheat.
wheaten n. A pale yellow or beige colour, like that of wheat.
WHITENSwhitens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of whiten.
Whitens prop.n. Plural of Whiten.
WHITEN v. to make white.
WHITINGwhiting n. A fine white chalk used in paints, putty, whitewash etc.
whiting v. Present participle of white.
whiting n. A fish, Merlangius merlangus (family Gadidae), similar to cod, found in the North Atlantic; English whiting (US).
WITCHENWITCHEN n. the mountain ash or wych elm, also WICKEN, WICKY.
WITHINGwithing v. Present participle of withe.
withing prep. Misspelling of within.
WITHE v. to bind with flexible twigs.
WITHINSWITHIN n. an interior place or area.
WRITHENwrithen v. (Archaic) past participle of writhe.
writhen adj. (Archaic) Twisted, contorted.
writhen adj. (Archaic) Made or shaped by intertwining; plaited.
WRYTHENwrythen adj. Obsolete form of writhen.
WRYTHEN adj. (archaic) twisted, convoluted, also WRITHEN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 128 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 35 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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